Chapter 25: Dimension Invasion

(A/N: With the 20th anniversary update in KMS, Dimension Invasion and its storyline were removed from the game. However, the events of Dimension Invasion are indirectly referenced in the Genesis Weapon storyline, which preserves the concept of Hilla invading Grandis in order to confront Magnus. The Genesis Weapon cutscene makes a mention of the Black Mage’s seal being on the verge of breaking, which doesn’t line up with the original Dimension Invasion storyline, but since that story has been removed anyways, I decided to cut out those bits from the original story that don’t work in order to have everything fit better into canon.

What originally happened is that Gelimer and Hilla worked together to invade Heliseum, with Gelimer creating special Crimson Interdimensional Portals with his technology. The Nova, who were trying to retake Heliseum, called the Alliance for help in fighting off both Magnus and Hilla’s forces, which were openly battling and disrupting the operation to retake the capital. Since Gelimer betraying Orchid doesn’t line up well with the current timeline, I removed those parts and only kept the stuff that exists in the Genesis Weapon cutscene.)

With the Black Mage’s resurrection imminent, the Commanders began making preparations to move out of the shadows after centuries. Suspecting Magnus of having deserted his position, Hilla infiltrated Tyrant’s Castle in Heliseum and confronted Magnus, whom she gave one final chance to explain himself. She asked Magnus why he had never bothered to attend the Commander meetings, even though he was alive and well, and asked whether he opposed the Black Mage’s will. Magnus simply laughed and asked if the seal would be broken soon before congratulating the Commanders for all that they had accomplished thus far.

(A/N: It’s interesting to me that the Commanders had regular meetings in all the centuries that the Black Mage was sealed. I’ve always just headcanoned that they put themselves to sleep during that time because the Black Mage had ordered them to lay low and not cause trouble until he came back. The fact that they were all probably awake during that time makes me want to believe that with the exception of Von Leon being depressed in his castle, all the other Commanders bought a penthouse together and lived a sitcom life, complete with a canned laugh track.)

Hilla confronts Magnus

Hilla told him to keep his mouth shut, but Magnus was merely amused that he seemed to have struck a nerve. He reminded Hilla that he had never promised his utmost loyalty to the Black Mage and explained that Gerand Darmoor used very different methods than the Black Mage, adding that he wouldn’t embarrass himself further by continuing to play a part in such a ridiculous masquerade.

Hilla appeared genuinely upset by Magnus’ betrayal and, holding back tears, she told him that it was only right to call him an enemy, swearing that she would take back everything that the Black Mage had given him. Magnus sneered and replied that it should have been that way all along, as he could use a good fight. They then engaged in a fierce battle, the outcome of which was unknown.

(A/N: I always found the idea of Magnus and Hilla having unresolved romantic tension in FriendStory to be interesting. It’s nice to see that Hilla, at least, seemed to have some feelings for Magnus in the real world, and honestly, I like to think that Magnus getting under her skin was him flirting with her and reciprocating her feelings. And that’s such a cool coincidence because would you look at that, I’m also in love with both of them.

For me, Magnus and Hilla are just like a Fire/Poison Mage - hot but toxic. They’re literally the worst individually, but when you see them paired together, you can’t help but think, “God help me, these two are the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen in my life. I bet I could talk my way into a throuple with them. There’s no way this can end well, but what am I if not self-destructive?”

Getting back to the point, though, even though the outcome of their fight isn’t mentioned, it’s likely that Magnus won, since he’s still ruling Heliseum by the time that the Alliance launches its siege. This exchange between Magnus and Hilla is shown in a cutscene after you defeat Magnus during the Genesis Weapon liberation questline.)