Chapter 25: Knight Stronghold

(A/N: Like I mentioned in the previous section, the Gate to the Future storyline was revamped in Fall 2023 in KMS, with most of the changes just being minor touch-ups to make the story more consistent with the current canon. If you want to know what the old storyline was like, check out the pre-Destiny update page.)

Following their report to Neinheart, the Alliance member returned back to the Gate to the Future in order to continue their investigation. In the Henesys Ruins, Chief Alex thanked them for aiding the town, adding that he hadn’t expected them to be such a strong adventurer. He explained that for a long time, their town had been oppressed by the Cygnus Knights, leaving them to lie helplessly as though they were pretending to be dead. However, he added that with the Alliance member’s arrival, he felt as though they could finally start moving again.

He explained that recently, there was little activity from the Cygnus Knights, who weren’t attacking the town, but rather, were simply staying within the Knight Stronghold. He then asked the Alliance member to help him learn what the Cygnus Knights’ true goal was. Realizing that the investigation would help them learn more about the Gate to the Future, the Alliance member agreed to help Alex, who asked them to scout the entrance to the stronghold.

The entrance to the Knight Stronghold

The Alliance member traveled to Ereve and scouted out the Knight Stronghold before reporting back to Alex that security had been tightened. Alex realized that in order to learn the Cygnus Knights’ plan, they would need to infiltrate the stronghold, though he noted that with security tightened, they wouldn’t be able to enter through normal means.

However, he noted that it wouldn’t be impossible to enter through unconventional methods, as there were several such methods which had proven effective in the past. He told the Alliance member that they could easily enter the stronghold by taking a Cygnus Knight badge, which would allow them to disguise themselves as a Knight. Thought defeating a Knight and taking their badge would be difficult, Alex told the Alliance member that he had faith that they could do it.

At the entrance of the Knight Stronghold, the Alliance member defeated several Cygnus Knights guarding the entrance and obtained a badge from them, which they brought back to Alex. Alex instructed them to pin the badge onto their clothes, and to make it as visible as possible. He then asked them to thin out the Cygnus Knights’ numbers by defeating Official Knight A’s and B’s.

After the Alliance member defeated the Knights, they returned back to Alex, who asked them whether they recalled when he had told them that he had verified certain methods to infiltrate the stronghold, explaining that he had sent an informant into the stronghold in order to spy on the Knights. He then asked the Alliance member to meet with the informant in order to gather any new information that they had.

The disguised informant

At Knight District 2, the Alliance member met with the informant, who was disguised as an Official Knight C. The informant noted that they hadn’t seen the Alliance member’s face before, which had led them to conclude that Alex had sent them. They told the Alliance member that Cygnus hadn’t shown herself at all, and that they had no idea why she had attacked Maple World in the first place.

They also added that the Cygnus Knights under her command were following her orders mindlessly, which made the informant believe that the Knights were being controlled by the magic of the Empress or the Black Mage. They then told the Alliance member that they were still investigating one more matter, and that they would reach out once they finished.

The Alliance member returned back to Alex and reported everything that they had learned. Alex realized that the Knights being controlled made sense, as they hadn’t spoken at all during the attack, and they had even cut down those who had tried to surrender, likely because they had lost their minds. In order to verify the Knights’ condition, Alex asked the Alliance member to defeat the Advanced Knight A’s. After the Alliance member defeated the Knights, they reported back to Alex that the Knights were indeed behaving mindlessly. Upon hearing their report, Alex wondered whether it might be possible that the Knights could be freed from their mind control.

Soon after, the informant contacted the Alliance member and told them that they had key information that they needed the Alliance member to deliver to Alex without the Cygnus Knights finding out. They revealed that Neinheart had been locked up in the Secret Grove inside the stronghold. Though they were unsure why Neinheart was imprisoned, they believed that it would be worth investigating.

The Alliance member informed Alex, who explained that he had heard rumors that Neinheart had been locked up because he had opposed Cygnus’ plans to invade Maple World. Believing that Neinheart may have important information, Alex sent the Alliance member to infiltrate the Secret Grove in order to find him.

Inside the Secret Grove, the Alliance member defeated the Knights guarding Neinheart’s cage before speaking with him. Neinheart immediately recognized the Alliance member’s face and realized that they were a member of the old Maple Alliance. He noted that he had never expected to see them in such a place, adding that they really hadn’t changed at all.

Neinheart in prison

When the Alliance member asked what had happened to Cygnus, Neinheart explained that after the Empress had fallen into the Black Mage’s trap and been corrupted, he had tried and failed to stop her. He told the Alliance member that after Cygnus and her Knights had destroyed everything, he had barely survived with his own life.

He then asked the Alliance member what the situation outside Ereve was, relieved to know that there were still survivors, which meant that there was still hope. He explained that though he had thought that he had survived only by luck, it seemed as though his life still had some meaning. He then revealed that after the Empress had been corrupted, the Cygnus Knights had lost their reason, becoming totally obedient to her commands.

He explained that it was likely because Shinsoo – whose power the Cygnus Knights derived theirs from – had been corrupted through her bond with the Empress, warping her power into one that took away the free will of the Knights. Neinheart then told the Alliance member that the only way to save Maple World was to kill the Empress, though they would first need to defeat the many Advanced Knights guarding her. He asked the Alliance member to defeat the Advanced Knights, noting that if they were truly the same person that he remembered, they would be able to find a way.

(A/N: Cygnus Knights get exclusive dialogue that replaces this conversation. Upon seeing the Knight, Neinheart is overjoyed, as he had believed that they were dead when he hadn’t been able to contact them. He notes that they seem to be alive and appear just as they had before the invasion, and though he wonders how that’s possible, he nevertheless fills them in on the situation.

When Neinheart asks them to thin out the Advanced Knights, the Knight asks him whether there’s truly no way to bring Cygnus back. Neinheart explains that if there had been a way, he would have done anything to restore Cygnus back to her old self by now. He tells the Knight that the only way left is to kill Cygnus, adding that the role of the Cygnus Knights is to protect Maple World, even if it means killing Cygnus herself, though he apologizes for putting them in such a position. After the Cygnus Knight defeats the Advanced Knights, the rest of the dialogue is the same as the generic script.

Mihile also gets exclusive dialogue that replaces this conversation. Upon seeing Mihile, Neinheart mistakenly believes him to be future Mihile and asks whether he’s come to finish him off after all. He explains that if so, then he should get it over with, as Neinheart refuses to follow the Empress’ will. Mihile is surprised by Neinheart’s reaction and realizes that in this future, it doesn’t seem strange at all that his future self would actually try to kill Neinheart. Realizing that he can’t explain that he’s from the past, Mihile decides to pretend as though he’s someone else.

He tells Neinheart that he’s not Mihile, though Neinheart notes that it doesn’t seem possible, as his face looks just like Mihile’s face from the past. Nevertheless, Mihile insists that he’s simply a traveler who had been sent by Chief Alex, to which Neinheart reluctantly believes him, as he notes that the Mihile under Cygnus’ spell is in no condition to be talking in the first place.

Realizing that Chief Alex sent Mihile, Neinheart asks him whether there’s anyone still living in Henesys. Mihile confirms that there are, explaining that though much has been destroyed, the townspeople are still living on without giving up hope. Neinheart then replies that though he had thought that he had survived only by luck, it seems as though his life still has some meaning.

After he explains what happened to Cygnus, Shinsoo, and the Knights, he asks Mihile to kill Cygnus in order to put an end to things, to which Mihile pauses uncomfortably. When Neinheart asks him to thin out the Advanced Knights, Mihile asks him whether there’s truly no way to bring Cygnus back. Neinheart explains that if there had been a way, he would have done anything to restore Cygnus back to her old self by now.

He tells Mihile that the only way left is to kill Cygnus, adding that the role of the Cygnus Knights is to protect Maple World, even if it means killing Cygnus herself, though he apologizes for putting Mihile in such a position. After Mihile defeats the Advanced Knights, the rest of the dialogue is the same as the generic script.)

After thinning out the Advanced Knights, the traveler reported back to Neinheart, who was relieved to hear the news, explaining that security around Cygnus’ chamber would be laxer now. However, Neinheart explained that in order to enter her chamber, they would need to first pass through the Cygnus Garden, which was inaccessible without a key, though he admitted that had no idea where the key could be.

He then asked the Alliance member to first check if the garden was locked, and to consult with the people of Henesys if they might know anything about the key’s whereabouts. He explained that in the meantime, he would remain in his prison, as security would grow tighter if he were to escape. He also added that there was nothing that he, as someone who failed to stop the Empress, could do to change the situation. He apologized for burdening them with such a favor, though he begged them to stop Cygnus once and for all.

The Alliance member then returned back to Chief Alex and explained the situation. Alex explained that his father had told him about the key to the Cygnus Garden, thought it had been so long ago that he couldn’t remember anymore. Realizing that Stan might know more, the Alliance member visited Stan’s ghost and asked him about the key.

Stan explained that when he was alive, many Explorers had attempted to craft a Dream Key to enter the Cygnus Garden. He then asked the Alliance member to speak with Jay, who would often spend time with those Explorers. Jay told the Alliance member that in the past, many Explorers had gone into the Cygnus Garden, but none had ever come back.

He explained that he had only been able to recover their belongings, and that amongst their keepsakes, he had found a way to craft a Dream Key. He told the Alliance member that he had made a Dream Key, vowing to open the Cygnus Garden and defeat Cygnus. He then noted that the time had finally come to join the fight, promising that he would help them, despite being weaker, as he had been training hard with Anne.

He told the Alliance member to first speak with Alex before they headed out, as he needed to tell Anne that their fight was about to begin. While Jay left to speak with Anne, the Alliance member met with Alex and told him that they were heading to face Cygnus. Alex realized that the time had finally come and thanked the Alliance member for their help in putting an end to the war. He then asked them to defeat Cygnus and return safely.

Together, the Alliance member, Jay, and Anne traveled together to the entrance of the Cygnus Garden. Anne noted that despite watching the entrance to the garden for some time, it was her first time actually seeing it up close, adding that it was full of ominous energy. Jay then used the Dream Key to open the garden gate, allowing them to proceed inside.

Jay uses the Dream Key to enter the Cygnus Garden

Though he admitted that he was afraid, he explained that he had no intention of turning back. Anne added that it was all thanks to the Alliance member that she had come so far, and that she was grateful to them for all their help. She promised that she and Jay wouldn’t stand idle, and that they would do whatever it took to help them stop Cygnus.

After passing through the garden, the group encountered the fallen Empress in her chambers. Cygnus welcomed them pleasantly to Ereve, noting that it had been a while since she had been visited by guests. She then asked them to disappear for the sake of the Black Mage.

(A/N: Cygnus Knights and Mihile get some exclusive dialogue here. The Knight calls out to Cygnus with the Korean honorific ‘nim’, which is the highest form of honorifics in Korean, although this was just localized as ‘Cygnus’ in GMS, even though I’d have thought that they would call her ‘Lady Cygnus’ or ‘my Empress’ or something. Cygnus is surprised to hear them call out to her in such a way and notes that they still think highly of her. She asks them whether they know her from the old days, and whether they’ve met her back then. She explains that she’s been wondering because she can’t even remember who she used to be anymore, though she nevertheless prepares to fight.)

After a fierce battle, the Alliance member, Jay, and Anne together managed to defeat Cygnus, as well as the fallen Chief Knights and Shinsoo, once and for all. A gravely wounded Cygnus noted that she had never thought that she would be defeated, though she added that the Black Mage still had not been stopped. Before disappearing, she warned the Alliance member that in the end, Maple World would still be destroyed no matter what.

(A/N: Cygnus Knights get some exclusive dialogue here, in which they once again call out to Cygnus with the Korean honorific ‘nim’, to which a surprised Cygnus asks them whether they would still call her that. She then tells them to channel their hatred towards her, as it sustained her, before disappearing, leaving the Knight to sadly call her name one last time.

Mihile also gets some exclusive dialogue here, in which he frantically calls out to Cygnus and begs her to come to her senses, revealing to her that he’s Mihile. Upon realizing this, Cygnus realizes that Mihile had definitely been following her before her corruption. Though she notes that he looks just like Mihile, she also realizes that it’s impossible. Nevertheless, she weakly thanks him for putting an end to her nightmare before disappearing.)

After Cygnus’ ominous warning and death, the distraught Alliance member wondered whether this bleak ending was truly what awaited their world.

(A/N: Mihile gets some exclusive dialogue here. He notes to himself that there’s no way that it’s possible, as Cygnus isn’t that type of person. He vows that if such a future is what awaits them, he’ll do everything in his power to change it. He then swears that he’ll never let Cygnus end up like this, after which he bitterly decides to leave the garden.)

Just as the Alliance member began to leave, however, the same voice which had called to them when they had first entered the Gate to the Future began speaking once again. Upon hearing the voice more closely, the Alliance member was surprised to realized that it belonged to Shinsoo, who was relieved that her voice could be heard at last.

Shinsoo’s voice reaches the Alliance member

Shinsoo revealed to the Alliance member that the future which they had seen beyond the Gate to the Future was nothing more than an illusory dreamscape created by the Black Mage’s minions. She explained that the Black Mage’ minions had failed to open the Gate to the Future, and that they had merely taken advantage of their failure by creating a false reality to demoralize the Alliance from staying united.

She then told the Alliance member that a dream world contained the subconsciousness of its creator, and that it would be helpful to find it. However, she lamented that she could not help them any further, as she, too, existed as a resident of the dream by reaching out to them with her mind. She explained that they had little time to talk and asked them to return back to reality, though she told them to remember that even the creator of a dream couldn’t control everything about it.

After Shinsoo’s voice faded away, the Alliance member wondered whether it was truly possible that everything within the Gate to the Future was nothing more than a dream. However, they then recalled how they had obtained a Dream Fragment, as well as how Neinheart had mentioned that one of the Black Mage’s followers had the power to manipulate dreams. They then decided to return back to the real world and speak with Neinheart about what they had just learned.

As they left the Gate to the Future, the Alliance member stopped by Future Henesys and spoke with Chief Alex, who told them that Jay and Anne had told him everything. He thanked them profusely for defeating Cygnus and saving Maple World, though he quickly saw that the Alliance member had a grim expression on their face.

He told Alliance member that he understood their feelings, as he also felt sad about having to put an end to the Empress, who had given everything she had to Maple World before the Black Mage had corrupted her. He explained that there were still many Knights who hadn’t yet regained their senses, as well as the mutated monsters around Henesys, which meant that there were still many things left to do. However, he added that thanks to them, he finally had hope in the future again.

The Alliance member then returned back to Ereve and reported back to Neinheart about how they had defeated Future Cygnus, as well as what Shinsoo had told them. Neinheart was impressed by their bravery and thanked them for their investigation. He also explained that he had been researching the Dream Master, and that he had learned something shocking.

He revealed that several towns had been inflicted by a nightmare, and that many townspeople had begun fighting after seeing the nightmare. He noted that it felt as though the Dream Master had been practicing before carrying out this latest plot, as the Alliance would have crumbled if news of the Empress’ corruption in the future had spread.

He then told the Alliance member that thanks to their investigation, they could be sure that it was nothing more than a dream. Because of this, he explained that he planned to reveal the truth to the Alliance, adding that if they remained cautious and continued not to be fooled by any more false futures, they might be able to learn more about the Dream Master. He added that it was because of them that he could be confident that the future had not yet been written, thanking them for all their support.

(A/N: At the end of this conversation, Cygnus Knights get some exclusive dialogue, in which they tell Neinheart that as a Knight, they’re glad to defend the honor of their Empress, to which Neinheart tells them that he’s truly grateful to them for being a dependable ally.

Mihile also gets some exclusive dialogue, in which Neinheart thanks him and reluctantly notes that it must not have been easy to face Cygnus. Mihile tells Neinheart that he never wants to see such a nightmare again, to which Neinheart reminds him that a dream is just a dream. He then suggests that he visit the Empress and tell her about what had happened, noting that he’s been away long enough as it is.

Mihile decides to head out, but before he leaves, he thanks Neinheart unexpectedly. Neinheart is surprised and asks him what he’s being thanked for, to which Mihile explains that he’s just realized that Neinheart has gone through a lot, both in the nightmare and in reality. A bemused Neinheart replies that Mihile is saying all kinds of things today, dismissing his hardships as just something which he has to do.)

Meanwhile, Lucid – who had learned that the Alliance member had entered the Gate to the Future – met with the Black Mage and informed him that the Alliance had begun investigating her manipulated future. When she asked him whether she ought to stop them, the Black Mage instructed her to do nothing. He explained that it was the only way that they would learn fear, noting that in doing so, the Alliance would learn about the lie of free will and the chains of fate, and that they would learn to hate those chains.

Soon after, the Resistance sent a scout to investigate the Gate to the Future, in which they learned that the Cygnus Knights would betray Maple World. At an Alliance conference, Claudine furiously reported the results of the Resistance’s investigation, to which Cygnus asked Claudine to calm down, explaining that the future which they had witnessed was nothing more than a fabrication created by the Black Mage.

Neinheart agreed, adding that he would never have led the Knights into such an obvious trap. However, Claudine retorted that Neinheart was only saying that now with the benefit of hindsight, adding that his arrogance wouldn’t save them from what could be. Neinheart then demanded to know whether she truly trusted the enemy’s illusion over her own allies. Athena Pierce attempted to keep the peace, reminding them that they couldn’t allow the enemy to divide them, and entreated them to stop fighting.

From afar, Lucid noted with satisfaction that the Alliance was wavering, just as the Black Mage had foreseen, and that everything was going according to plan. She then thought to herself that though the Alliance had realized that it was all an illusion, the seeds of doubt had already been planted in their minds, adding that under the care of the nightmare which was about to unfold, those seeds would soon begin to bloom.

(A/N: Lucid’s conversation with the Black Mage came from a flashback seen in the Convergence storyline, while the Alliance meeting was seen in another flashback in Lucid’s memories during the Lachelein storyline. This is also where the official Knight Stronghold storyline concludes, as you get the area completion medal at this point, but there are a few more quests that you can complete if you go back. Similar to Future Henesys, the Knight Stronghold storyline went through a few small iterations.

The original questline could be completed in any order, the second iteration had a fixed order to which they could be completed, and the current version has a fixed ordering to the main questline, while the optional quests can be done in whichever order you want. Like Future Henesys, the optional quests are more or less identical to how they’ve always been, although some of them have been changed just slightly in order to be explicitly set after the events of the main storyline.)

In Future Henesys, the Alliance member returned and met with Chief Alex, who told them that he needed their help with something. He explained that after the death of their parents, Jay had stopped smiling and had begun putting all his energy into becoming stronger, even becoming a Dark Master in the process. With Cygnus’ defeat, Alex told the Alliance member that he wanted to bring Jay’s smile back, and so he asked them to find a Cheery Book, which was said to make one bust up laughing with a single paragraph.

The Alliance member obtained a Cheery Book from an Official Knight B and brought it to Jay, who greeted them and explained that with Cygnus’ defeat, he was training hard to defeat the remnants of the Knights which still threatened Henesys. Upon learning that they had brought him the Cheery Book at Alex’s request, he smiled and explained that he was glad to know that Alex was thinking of him, adding that it was a constant source of encouragement.

The Alliance member then met with Camila, who thanked them for helping restore peace to the town. She explained that Utah was starting up his pig farm, though he had hurt his shoulder while trying to tame a Mutant Ribbon Pig. In order to keep him safe, she asked the Alliance member to obtain pauldrons from the Official Knight E’s. After the Alliance member brought back the pauldrons, Camila thanked them and explained that with the creation of the pig farm, she hoped that life could finally get back to how it used to be.

The Alliance member then met with Utah, who thanked them for defeating Cygnus, noting that Maple World would soon return back to how it was before, with all the separated families – including his own – finally reuniting again. He then asked the Alliance member for their help in giving a gift to Camila. He asked them to obtain bandanas from Official Knight C’s and gloves from Official Knight D’s to protect Camila’s shiny hair and soft hands. After the Alliance member brought them back, Utah thanked them and hoped that it would bring a smile to Camila’s face.

The Alliance member then met with Jay, who thanked them from returning peace back to the town, adding that the townspeople couldn’t have done it without them. However, he explained that their new focus was to defeat the remnants of the Knights. As his weapon had been damaged in the fight against Cygnus, he asked the Alliance member to obtain a Superior Magic Wand from the Advanced Knight B’s. After the Alliance member brought the wand back, Jay told them that he was deeply indebted to them for everything.

The Alliance member then met with Big Headward, who thanked them for defeating Cygnus, as he could now return to being a hairstylist again. However, he explained that Anne had been glaring at him lately, which made him believe that there was some sort of misunderstanding going on. In order to clear things up, he asked them to obtain a Superior Bow from the Advanced Knight D’s as a gift for Anne, as he believed that she wouldn’t care much for a new hairstyle.

The Alliance member brought the bow to Anne, who was confused, explaining that she hadn’t been glaring at Big Headward, but rather, she had been checking up on his condition, as he was prone to getting hurt from monsters. In order to repay him for his gift, she asked the Alliance member to get an Ornate Sword from the Advanced Knight E’s so that he could better protect himself. The Alliance member brought the sword to Big Headward and told him about the misunderstanding.

Big Headward was relieved to know that Anne didn’t dislike him, and he was appreciative of the Ornate Sword, which he noted was extravagant enough for a glamorous person such as himself. Though he wished to return to being a hairstylist again, he realized that his talents were still needed to protect the town, and so he resolved to keep fighting.

The Alliance member then met with Chief Stan’s ghost, who thanked them for defeating Cygnus and bringing hope back to the town. He explained that with peace restored, he wanted their help in doing something that he couldn’t do before. He told the Alliance member that he had written a letter to Alex, which he hadn’t been able to give because of Cygnus’ invasion.

As the letter had been taken by the Cygnus Knights, he asked the Alliance member to obtain it from the Official Knight C’s, which were clumsier than the other Knights and likely had the letter. The Alliance member found the letter and brought it to Alex, who was surprised upon reading it. He explained that he had always thought his father to be strict and inflexible, though after reading Stan’s true feelings, he felt as though he should’ve been a better son when his father was still alive. He thanked the Alliance member for finding the letter, explaining that he’ll keep thinking more about his father.