Chapter 37: Reverse City

  • Before the Adversary could continue on their journey, the Erdas of the Vanishing Journey asked them to investigate a strange city from Friends World, which had appeared along the shore of the Arcane River. Inside, the Adversary encountered T-Boy, a boy with a computerized face and a gravity gauntlet which had turned Reverse City upside-down.

  • Hoping to stop T-Boy, the Adversary began working with the Erdas of Reverse City, which had changed their form to appear like the humans of the city. Along the way, the Adversary encountered a man named Barr Granger and learned that he was a survival book author from Friends World. Barr explained that the people of his city had been sucked into the Arcane River as a result of Maple World and Friends World fusing, and that he had been working to return his people back home.

  • As the Adversary and Barr began working together to stop T-Boy, they came across his secret laboratory and learned that he was planning to harvest the Erdas of the Arcane River in order to create a black hole generator. Though they confronted T-Boy and attempted to stop him, T-Boy began demoralizing Barr by revealing that the reason why Barr hadn’t gone back to Friends World was because his survival books had been poorly received, with many people writing scathing reviews and personal attacks on Barr.

  • Nevertheless, the Adversary helped Barr regain his confidence before attempting to destroy the gravity machine. Meanwhile, Barr - assuming that T-Boy was just a remote drone like the others they had encountered - shot T-Boy in the face, hoping to stop him. Thanks to their efforts, Reverse City was saved from destruction, with Barr returning home and writing a wildly popular book about his time in the Arcane River.

  • Meanwhile, T-Boy - who really had been there in-person all along - escaped with a bullet graze on his cheek. As he flew back, his sister - Senya Angler - contacted him and asked him what he had thought of the Adversary, to which he replied that the Angler Company would be able to use them for their goal.