Chapter 5: Secret of Magatia
(A/N: Like I mentioned in the Verne Mine section, I don’t typically cover town storylines in the main story section, but the Milestone update incorporated the Magatia town quests into the recommended story path for the main story. Unlike the Verne Mine storyline, which adapted pre-existing Edelstein town quests into a more cohesive story, the Magatia town storyline was left completely untouched story-wise, as there was really just a single extra quest added at the end of the questline to tie into the Alliance learning about the Black Mage’s laboratory, which played a pretty important role in the Alliance’s preparations to learn more about the Black Mage during the Arcane River storyline.
You’ll notice that a lot of the Magatia town questline is fairly detached from the main story, which is why I was originally hesitant about including it on the lore site. However, since I’ve adhered the chronology of the main story according to the recommended story path, I decided that it couldn’t hurt to have it here, especially since Magatia is probably the best town questline in the entire game.)
In the streets of Magatia, an Alliance member ran into a strange man named Han the Broker, who noted that they seemed to be a skilled traveler who often found themselves in thrilling situations. The Alliance member was surprised and asked how he knew that, to which he told them that it was because they seemed overly curious, as well as the fact that they had casually stuck up a conversation with a random broker, showing that they were quite fearless. He then told the Alliance member that he was willing to do business with them if they wanted.
The Alliance member asked to learn more about Magatia, to which Han told them that the information came at a cost. The Alliance member paid him a sum of mesos, after which Han told them that long ago, after the Black Mage had disappeared from Ossyria, a group of alchemists had formed Magatia, whose town motto was, “Ultimate knowledge is only an experiment away.”
Han the Broker
He explained that Magatia was very wealthy as a result of many alchemical products created from experiments, which were sold at a high price. In spite of this, however, he explained that Magatia remained isolated from the world because of the introverted nature of its alchemists. He added that it was good for brokers such as himself, especially since the town was filled with infighting. He told the Alliance member that Magatia was split between two societies, the Zenumists and the Alcadno.
He explained that Zenumists were pure alchemists who had successfully blended together science and magic, while the Alcadno had added mechanical engineering into the mix. Han revealed that the two societies detested each other because of their differing ideologies, resulting in the already-insulated alchemists withdrawing even further. He then told the Alliance member than an outsider wouldn't learn anything substantial in Magatia, for which he suggested joining a side.
At the Alliance member’s surprise, Han asked them whether they had truly thought that Magatia was a town full of scholars with pure intent for research. He explained that there was no other town like Magatia that bickered over territory, adding that the days of scholars searching purely for the truth was long gone, though he added that the political climate made it perfect for brokers. The Alliance member asked whether there was great conflict in the town, which Han confirmed, explaining that there was so much conflict between the two societies that it would be hard to join either due to the heavy air of mistrust. However, he told them that there were still ways of gaining entry into the two societies’ heavily-guarded inner circles and asked them which one they wanted to join.
(A/N: Although the dialogue presents this as a choice between being able to join either the Zenumists or the Alcadno, we’re actually able to join both societies. In fact, we’re actually required to join both societies in order to complete the storyline. For the sake of story presentation, I’m going to have each parallel storyline listed separately, meaning that I’ll first cover the Zenumist storyline before having us go back to Han and joining the Alcadno.)
The Alliance member told Han that they first wished to join the Zenumists, to which Han told them that it wouldn’t be easy, as the Zenumists believed themselves to be true scholars, for which they kept their sect exclusive. He explained that the Alliance member would need to present their work as an alchemist in order to gain entry, though he promised to arrange everything for a fee. After the Alliance member paid him, Han fabricated alchemical research and peer review that met the Zenumists' standards. He then gave the Alliance member a strange bottle of water and instructed them to drop it on the blue alchemy pillar in front of Carson, the leader of the Zenumists, revealing that the alchemical reaction would create a new object that they would need to present to Carson.
Carson, the Zenumist president
The Alliance member traveled to Zenumist headquarters and placed the bottle on the alchemy pillar, transforming it into a regular tree branch, which they gave to Carson. Carson was impressed by the Alliance member’s alchemy skills and gave them a Zenumist cape, thereby inducting them into the society. He welcomed the Alliance member and told them that alchemy - the union between magic and science - was not merely a scholastic union, but uncharted territory, meaning that discovery was quite important. He explained that the Alliance member’s studies would affect the entire continent one way or another, citing the airship as an example of how the inventions of alchemists enriched the lives of everyone in the world. However, he emphasized the importance of doing so without disturbing nature's course, unlike the questionable methods of the Alcadno.
Soon after, the Alliance member encountered a Zenumist named Bedin, who recognized them as a new recruit. Bedin introduced himself, explaining that he was in charge of making Mana Rocks for the Zenumists, revealing that Mana Rocks were devices that allowed one to gather up mana. He told the Alliance member that inside the Mana Rock was a core that allowed one to register a spell. He explained that doing so transformed the Mana Rock into a Magic Rock, allowing people who had never mastered that spell to perform it. He explained that the most important ingredients for creating Mana Rocks were silver and Lidium, with silver being used to register spells and Lidium being used to store mana.
Bedin the Zenumist
He added that every Mana Rock had a core made out of silver and a power device made out of Lidium. He noted that Lidium was easy to obtain, as it was produced in Ariant, though he added that silver was difficult to find, likely because the mines of El Nath were abandoned and devoid of life. He then asked the Alliance member to gather Flaming Deserts from Dark Sand Dwarfs to refine the silver with. The Alliance member brought the materials to Bedin, who thanked them and joked that they were more like a traveler than an alchemist. He also told them to keep in mind that silver was always used to infuse an object with magic, reminding them to keep that note of basic alchemy in mind.
Some time later, the Alliance member met with Bedin once again, who recognized them as the same alchemist who had helped him with the Mana Rocks. He then asked them to help him with a secret project if they weren't busy, explaining that he wanted to do something to disrupt the Alcadno, for which he requested them to destroy the Reinforced Mithril Mutae that the Alcadno had made. After the Alliance member returned, Bedin laughed at the thought of the Alcadnos’ fury and told the Alliance member not to feel guilty, as the Alcadno had done much worse to them.
Soon after, Bedin greeted the Alliance member and asked how their project was going, though he quickly realized that he had never asked what they were working on, adding that it must be top secret. He then asked them to enter the Alcadno laboratory and obtain a document, as he was curious about “that incident” and believed that only the Alcadno had records of it. Bedin instructed the Alliance member to go to the Dark Lab from Lab Area B-3 in the Alcadno base. As it was quite late, Bedin believed that there would be no one there and told the Alliance member that they would need to make their way through the dark and search for the Secret Document, promising to tell them more about “that incident” if they brought it back, as he believed that they deserved to know the truth as a member of the Zenumists.
The Alliance member entered the Dark Lab and obtained the document, which they brought back to Bedin. Bedin read through the document, but found that there was no record of “that incident” on it. When the Alliance member asked what “that incident” was, Bedin told them that Carson didn't like to discuss it, and that he was keeping it secret. However, Bedin revealed that he personally disagreed with Carson, as he believed that all alchemists of Magatia ought to know about it. He explained that the incident had been a catastrophe unlike any other, caused by the foolish experiment of an alchemist, which had affected all of Magatia.
He explained that a few years ago, an Alcadno alchemist had made a grave error in their experiment, causing a huge explosion that had triggered an earthquake, which had broken the Magic Pentacle of Magatia. Bedin told the Alliance member that while no one, except perhaps Carson, knew, the one thing that everyone knew for certain was that the alchemist responsible for the incident had gone missing. After learning about the incident, the Alliance member decided to meet with Carson, who thanked them for their hard work in helping the Zenumists. However, he told them that he was concerned that they had been investigating “the incident” and cautioned them to stay away from it, claiming that he didn't believe that they were ready to handle the darkness of the alchemists in Magatia.
However, the Alliance member insisted that they were strong enough to handle it, to which Carson admitted that Bedin had spoken of the Alliance member’s strength. Because of this, he agreed to accept their help in investigating the incident by searching the home of Dr. De Lang, the missing alchemist. Before the Alliance member could set out, however, Carson decided to test their strength first and asked them to defeat the dangerous Homuns in the Closed Lab.
He explained that controlling Homuns could be done through the Pentacle of Alchemy, which was located in the center of the Closed Lab. He instructed the Alliance member to defeat the Homuns and recover the Magic Device that they had stolen, after which he told them to throw the Magic Device into the Pentagram of Alchemy, which would then activate and control the Homuns. As proof of their success, he asked them to bring back the Lightless Magic Device once they were finished.
After obtaining the Magic Device and activating the Pentagram of Alchemy, the Alliance member returned back to Carson and presented the Lightless Magic Device. Satisfied by their success, Carson asked them to search Dr. De Lang's house, explaining that it was the place where the accident had occurred. He told the Alliance member that the Zenumists had searched the house many times, though he was certain that they must have missed many clues. He explained that a new alchemist like the Alliance member would have a fresh perspective to uncover the mysteries behind “the incident”.
The Alliance member traveled to Dr. De Lang’s home, where, after searching, they found writing behind cobwebs that detailed a story about a pendant. They reported their findings to Carson, who noted that the story must be quite significant. However, when the Alliance member asked whether there was a special meaning to the word “pendant”, Carson strongly denied it before asking them to excuse him.
Dr. De Lang’s abandoned home
Soon after, the Alliance member met with Han and told him that they wanted to be an Alcadno, to which he told them that it wouldn’t be easy to join their ranks. However, he added that he could help them pass the entry test for a fee, revealing that they would need to write a research report and submit it to Maed, the leader of the Alcadno. He then warned that it was merely the first step, as the Alcadno were all mechanical engineers with foul tempers. The Alliance member paid Han, who then fabricated alchemical research and peer review that met the Alcadnos' standards.
Han presented the report to the Alliance member and explained that he had acquired it from one of his alchemist partners through jewel trading. However, he warned that Maed believed more in first impressions than the report, and that the Alliance member would need to pass Maed’s interview. Nevertheless, he reassured them that he had also included the answers to the interview, which had been covered with the fee that they had given him. He then told the Alliance member that the answers to the three questions were “Lidium”, “Grendel the Really Old”, and “Alcaster”.
The Alliance member then traveled to Alcadno headquarters, where Maed greeted them and explained that the Alcadno were not only creating new things through magic, but also formulating ways to incorporate machinery into the union of magic and science. He then began the interview process, explaining that the Alcadno were always looking for ways to turn machines into life, which had created many mechanical dolls like Roids and Neo Huroids. He then asked what the source of power for such mechanical dolls were.
After the Alliance member answered correctly, Maed asked them Alliance member which book they would use to make the basic equation that would allow the Magic Pentacle to control the movement of the dolls, to which they responded correctly with Han’s answers. Finally, Maed asked them to name the great alchemist who created the first Magic Rock, built the foundation for the airship, proved the extent of the effect that mana provided on life, and served as the third president of the Magatia Alchemy Society.
Maed the Alcadno president
(A/N: There are interesting bits of information that you can get from the wrong answers for each of the three questions.
For the first question - the power source for mechanical dolls - the first option is the Black Crystal, which Maed explains has nothing to do with machines, as it’s a mineral that can only be controlled with a constant source of power from humans. The second option is Silver, which Maed says has the power of instilling a certain spell and allowing it to be accessed for later purposes. He explains that it’s used for various purposes with mechanical dolls, but that it’s used to control mana, not serve as a source of power. The third option is the Summoning Circle, which Maed says is used to summon a target to your location. However, he adds that it's not used as a source of power for the mechanical dolls because it just doesn't have enough mana to fully operate it. The correct answer is Lidium, which Maed says is a source of energy that can be controlled by the Magic Pentacle.
For the second question - the book used to make the equation for the Magic Pentacle to control the mechanical dolls - the first option is Robeira's Introduction to Magic, which Maed says is good, but extremely complicated such that even most of the experienced alchemists can't figure it out. The second option is Jane's Guide to Alchemy for the Beginners, which Maed says seems more like a novel than a scholastic book. The third option is Alcaster's Compilation of Alchemy (Beginner edition), which Maed says is a good book, but it had been written before the mechanical studies of Alcadno had even existed. The correct answer is Basic Mana by Grendel the Really Old.
For the last question - the great alchemist who served as the third president of the Magatia Alchemy Society - the first option is Gritto. If the player selects this option, Maed is surprised that they would know such a great being, though he says that in any case, that's the wrong answer. The second answer is Dr. Kim. If this option is selected, Maed expresses his surprise that it's even a name. The third option is Betty, to which a confused Maed asks whether she's a friend of the player's. The correct answer is Alcaster.)
After the Alliance member passed the exam, Maed asked them whether they were willing to conduct studies with the pride of the Alcadno in their heart, knowing that they would face obstacles as a result of their society’s area of studies not being fully accepted by the public. The Alliance member agreed, after which Maed gave them an Alcadno cape in order to inaugurate them as an official member.
After joining, the Alliance member visited the Alcadno laboratory, where they met with Russellon, who introduced himself and explained that he was conducting experiments on finding out the cause of all sickness, as well as finding a cure for it, though he admitted that his true expertise was in creating poisons. He then asked the Alliance member for help in obtaining Lumo's Leaves from Rumos and Triple Rumos in the Zenumist basement.
Russellon the Alcadno
The Alliance member brought back the leaves to Russellon, who thanked them and explained that the leaves were like the ultimate form of life, which would help him make more powerful medicines. Russellon then realized that the Rumos were quite strong and wondered how the Alliance member was more powerful than the other Alcadno alchemists after having only been a member for such a short time. However, he decided that it was a good opportunity to test them and asked them to defeat the powerful Roids which the Alcadno had created.
After the Alliance member returned, Russellon was impressed and asked them to come back later, as he had something else in store for them. The Alliance member soon returned back to Russellon, who told them that he wanted to reward them for their work and asked them to collect some pills which he had concocted, as well as to take them before returning so that he could see their effect. The Alliance member went to Russellon's desk in Laboratory Area B-1 and took the pills, which immediately made them feel queasy.
The Alliance member returned back to Russellon, who was pleased to see that they seemed pale, explaining that it meant that the pills were working. He revealed that he had wanted to test the pills on someone strong enough to defeat the Roids, and that his experiment had proven that it was possible to temporarily change the human body state. He noted that it would now be easier to work on Life Alchemy, and that it might finally make “his” wish come true.
The Alliance member asked Russellon who “he” was, to which Russellon explained that he was referring to the most brilliant alchemist that he had ever met, who was also the best at Life Alchemy, though he added that the alchemist was missing. He explained that the alchemist had been getting antsy during the days before he had gone missing, having conducted a secret experiment which he had refused to divulge any information about. Russellon revealed that the alchemist had been fervently experimenting like a madman until his experiment had created an explosion on an unprecedented scale.
He explained that Maed had searched the alchemist’s house, and that he had likely learned the truth about the alchemist’s experiment, though Maed had refused to reveal any details. Russellon explained that even his own experiment with the pills had started as a joint experiment with the alchemist, and though he was continuing it on the alchemist’s behalf, he still didn't understand what the point was in conducting such a study on altering the state of the body.
The Alliance member decided to ask Maed about the alchemist, who told them that they were referring to Dr. De Lang. However, he warned them not to delve too deep into it, revealing that De Lang had concocted an experiment which had endangered many lives. The Alliance member told Maed that a true Alcadno alchemist would do anything to uncover the truth, though Maed retorted that they had no right to know it, just as he had no right to divulge it. The Alliance member then replied that it was wrong to cover up the truth, which Maed begrudgingly agreed with.
Maed noted that it was perhaps time to start looking for the truth, for which he asked the Alliance member to first prove themselves before he shared what he knew about Dr. De Lang. He tasked the Alliance member with eliminating the Homunculus monsters of the Zenumists, explaining that they used the creatures to secretly attack the Alcadno in the middle of the night. After the Alliance member returned, Maed was impressed with their skills and decided to put them in charge of the investigation on Dr. De Lang.
He told them that he wanted them to see Dr. De Lang from a third person point of view, unaffiliated with the past of the Zenumists and the Alcadno. He explained that right before Dr. De Lang had gone missing, he had been in close contact with Han the Broker, for which Maed asked them to speak with him for information. Han told the Alliance member that Dr. De Lang had visited him frequently before his disappearance and asked for a fee in exchange for information.
After the Alliance member paid him, Han explained that Dr. De Lang had taken drastic measures to ensure that no one came close to his house, revealing that it was the site where he had been conducting his dangerous experiment. Han told the Alliance member that Dr. De Lang had installed many booby traps, which had likely been removed by the alchemists who had come searching his house.
In spite of his secrecy, Han revealed that Dr. De Lang had been close friends with Eurek the Alchemist, with whom he would speak constantly. The Alliance member went to meet Eurek and told them that they were investigating Dr. De Lang's disappearance. Eurek was surprised to hear that De Lang was missing, claiming that he had known that De Lang had been struggling for some time, though he had no idea that he would go so far as to disappear.
Eurek the Alchemist
The Alliance member told Eurek that they needed his help in learning what had happened to Dr. De Lang, to which Eurek told them that they didn't seem like an alchemist, which was why he felt that they could trust him, as Magatia was plagued with the violence and mistrust of alchemists. He explained that he didn't know too much about Dr. De Lang, though he did know that Dr. De Lang had a meticulous personality that compelled him to record all his research and experiments. The Alliance member asked whether he knew where Dr. De Lang’s research notes were, to which Eurek told them that no alchemist would ever share that kind of information, even with their best friends.
However, he told them that the key to the place where Dr. De Lang's secret notes would be was made out of silver, as De Lang was an expert in putting magic into layers of silver, which would allow it to react with other types of magic. He then suggested using silver to open the door and asked them to let him know what they found out about Dr. De Lang, explaining that in spite of become a wanderer, he had never forgotten about Dr Lang. He then added that he wanted to help De Lang now, when he hadn't been able to when De Lang had been at his lowest.
Soon after, the Alliance member heard a disembodied voice which asked them to come and find him. The Alliance member entered a secret Alcadno research laboratory and met a ghost who introduced himself as Parwen, an Alcadno researcher. Unaware that he was a ghost, Parwen told them that it had been a long time since he had seen a person, as no one seemed to drop by anymore. Parwen explained that he had been living in fear over the last several days, as the room was full of Saitie spirits, which he asked the Alliance member to eliminate.
Parwen the Ghost
After the Alliance member defeated the spirits, Parwen told them that they were much more useful than the last alchemist who had come to see him. The curious Alliance member asked about the alchemist, whom Parwen described as a man who had come to conduct experiments in the hidden laboratory. As he had seemed highly determined and focused, Parwen had chosen not to disturb him, though he had wondered why the man would have worked on Life Alchemy with such disdain for his safety.
The Alliance member asked Parwen what had happened to the man, but Parwen told them that he didn't know, as the man had stopped coming, with all reports on his experiments having been taken away by others, after which no one had come to the laboratory again. Parwen told the Alliance member that he had forgotten about the man and suggested that they speak with him directly instead.
He then sent the Alliance member to Dr. De Lang's Lab, where the Alliance member encountered Dr. De Lang himself. Dr. De Lang asked the Alliance member what they were doing in his private lab, explaining that an alchemy lab wasn't merely filled with just explosions and excitement. He added that if they thought that it was bad for humans, then they should imagine how it was for fairies, such as his wife and daughter.
However, he resigned himself and explained that he had devoted himself to his research, and that he must stay true to it. He added that once he had finished, he could spend the rest of his days with Phyllia. He then showed them a pendant and told them that he had never gotten the chance to give it to her, explaining that it was meant to be a surprise gift hidden behind the frame. However, he then apologized for his rambling and asked the Alliance member to leave. The Alliance member then returned to Parwen, who asked them whether he had sent them to the right person, explaining that he had merely sent them to speak with an afterimage of Dr. De Lang from the past. However, he told them that he had no idea where Dr. De Lang was in the present day.
Dr. De Lang’s afterimage
Realizing that Phyllia was Dr. De Lang's wife, the Alliance member decided to speak with her in order to learn more about him. However, Phyllia refused to speak with them, claiming that she could not stand people gossiping about her husband as though he were a monster. The Alliance member then explained that they had met Dr. De Lang, and that they had even spoken to him. Phyllia was intrigued and asked them whether they knew Dr. De Lang from the past, adding that she found it hard to believe when he had been missing for quite some time.
The Alliance member explained that they had been able to speak with him through Parwen's afterimage to the past, but a confused Phyllia came to believe that they were merely pretending to be nice so that they could turn her husband into a pariah. She then demanded proof of their words in order to believe them. To gather proof for Phyllia, the Alliance member went to Dr. De Lang's house and took the silver pendant that Dr. De Lang's afterimage had told them was hidden in the corner of the picture frame. The Alliance member returned to Phyllia, who was amazed that they had found it. She explained that the pendant had a rose engraved on it, representing the rose that Dr. De Lang had given her from the snowfield.
She realized that if the Alliance member had found it in his house, then they certainly must have spoken with him. She then agreed to tell the Alliance member what she knew, though she admitted that she knew very little of his studies, believing it to be possibly dangerous. However, she added that the behavior of the presidents of both societies was unnerving, as they had sealed off his house to everyone, including her, his own wife.
She told the Alliance member that on top of that, they had searched the house and had decided to keep quiet, as though they all had signed a confidential agreement. As a result, many had begun spreading rumors that tarnished his image, with some even saying that he wanted to become the next Black Mage. However, she told them that she believed that Dr. De Lang was a peaceful man who wanted to help others through Life Alchemy, and that she didn't believe that he was conducting his experiments for the wrong reasons.
She told the Alliance member that the Zenumists and Alcadnos were both working together to hide the truth about Dr. De Lang when they normally detested each other, adding that she couldn't trust people who would cover up the truth in such a way. Though she didn't know what the truth held, she admitted that she had a feeling that it was tied to the existence of Magatia itself. Phyllia told the Alliance member that even if Dr. De Lang was guilty, she would still love him.
The Alliance member then asked for her blessings to investigate more on Dr. De Lang. Phyllia explained that no one in Magatia would prove her husband's innocence and told them that if they could launch an independent investigation into Dr. De Lang's research, it would be helpful to her. She told them that there was one thing that she hadn't told the presidents about, which was that rotating the door handle of Dr. De Lang's house in a certain way would open a path to a secret underground study which only she and he knew about.
She told them that they wouldn't find anything special in there, as she herself had gone through it many times, adding that it had been made for Dr De Lang’s personal use, rather than for experiments. However, she told them to look through the study anyways and suggested messing with the pipes, adding that it would prompt a password once they hit the right spot, with the password being “My love Phyllia”.
Phyllia and her daughter, Keeny
The Alliance member traveled to Dr. De Lang's house and turned the pipes in the house and entered the password. Upon gaining access to the study, they discovered a strange book with a circular hole in the center of the book pages. Believing that they needed to place Phyllia's pendant, the Alliance member returned back to her and explained what they had discovered. Phyllia then gave them her pendant, which the Alliance member used on the book, thus activating a spell circle.
Upon opening the book again, the Alliance member found writing inside containing Dr. De Lang’s personal notes. As they began reading through it, the Alliance member learned about how Dr. De Lang worried about his short human lifespan, and how he was afraid of having to say goodbye to Phyllia, as she was a fairy who would outlive him for centuries. In the next entry, the Alliance member read about how Phyllia had revealed that she was pregnant, and how the rare union between a fairy and a human was a rare blessing from the Goddess. However, Dr. Dr Lang had worried that since the baby was half-fairy, he would have to say goodbye to both his wife and their child, who would both live far longer than he would.
Driven by this fear, Dr. De Lang had begun to research how to extend his lifespan, which no alchemist had ever achieved - with even Alcaster's success stemming from his magic, rather than his talent as an alchemist. As the Alliance member kept reading, they learned about how Dr. De Lang had believed that alchemy was a fiend that required one to pay a price in order to achieve a result, for which he had decided to put all his hope into the power of the Alcadno. Unsure of where to start, Dr. De Lang had begun working with Russellon on developing potions and medicine.
In the next pages, the Alliance member read about how Dr. De Lang had met a wandering alchemist who held radical beliefs, such as changing the human body into a machine. However, De Lang had continued encountering failures, as any organism converted into a machine ceased to be human. As Phyllia's pregnancy had continued developing, De Lang had grown increasingly frantic over his fears.
Soon after, Phyllia had given birth to their daughter, Keeny, who Dr. De Lang had noted looked exactly like Phyllia, including her wings. De Lang had then resolved to find a breakthrough, with the rest of the pages in the diary remaining suspiciously blank. Realizing that the blank pages contained his secret research, the Alliance member brought the book to Eurek, who was surprised as he read through it, realizing that love had painted Dr. De Lang in the corner, forcing him to resort to extreme measures. He then noticed that there was a huge blank space at the end of the section, with some signs of a solution being applied to write a secret message. He told them that Alcaster would be the only one with the knowledge of how to uncover the message.
The Alliance member met with Alcaster, who had come to visit Magatia, and showed him Dr. De Lang’s notes. After looking through the book, Alcaster told the Alliance member that the concealment spell had been cast with a sophisticated set of alchemy, meaning that only a highly-trained alchemist could have done it. Though he noted that it would take some time to break through the enchantment, Alcaster explained that there was a much simpler way if the Alliance member was strong enough, revealing that Homunculus' Blood contained the power to uncover any hidden truth, though he added that it would be difficult to extract the blood from such a formidable monster.
After obtaining the blood, the Alliance member brought it back to Alcaster, who poured it over the note. Alcaster was shocked to see that the note contained information on the founding of Magatia, which he explained was a truth that had been kept from the public for centuries. However, he then gave the Alliance member the journal and told them that if they had come so far, then they deserved to know the truth. Upon reading the previously blank pages, the Alliance member learned about how Dr. De Lang had discovered an ancient passageway that not only linked the Zenumist and Alcadno buildings, but it also led further underground.
Intrigued, De Lang had followed the tunnel deep underground, where he had found a mysterious cave that held traces of an experiment and a wealth of old data. Eventually, he had learned that the underground laboratory had once belonged to the Black Mage himself. However, Dr. De Lang had come to believe that the Black Mage's research held the key to extending one's lifespan. He had then begun to use the Black Mage's research in the hopes of extending his lifespan, despite knowing that following in the Black Mage's footsteps was wrong. As he had continued delving into the records, he had realized that there were unmistakable similarities between the Black Mage's alchemy and that of Magatia.
The Magic Pentacle in the Black Mage’s laboratory
(A/N: One one of the pages of Dr. De Lang’s notes, there’s an extra bit of dialogue that’s exclusive to GMS: “And there is this hidden disciple, who wished to combine terrible magic and technology. Where has he gone…?” This line was added by the team which developed the original Masteria storyline under NxProse. The disciple in question was meant to be a reference to the Alchemist, the time-traveling servant of the Archdemon Naricain and a disciple of the greatest minds in Maple World’s history, from the Black Mage to Professor Foxwit.
The original Masteria storyline was written well before the Black Mage had become the main villain of the game, and although the Masteria storyline was one of the best stories in the game, the vast majority of it was removed and revamped under a new continuity starting with the Masteria Through Time blockbuster, which serves as the foundation for all the Masteria lore currently in the game. Unfortunately, the new continuity is flaming hot garbage, and even though the role of the Alchemist from the original was replaced with Dr. Jang, the line about the Black Mage’s disciple was still kept in GMS as a vestigial remnant of the original Masteria storyline. If you want to learn more about the old Masteria lore, check out the GMS-verse section on the lore site.)
Dr De Lang had soon concluded that Magatia had been founded based upon the alchemy of the Black Mage, which explained why a town situated in a deserted, dry land could thrive as it did. He had also realized that if the world were to find out that he had extended his lifespan with the research of the Black Mage, he would become the object of scorn. Despite this, he had nevertheless held the hope that things would work out if his experiment were to succeed.
With Dr. De Lang's secret revealed, Alcaster confirmed to the Alliance member that Magatia had been built right above the laboratory of the Black Mage, which was a truth that almost no one in Magatia was aware of. He explained that Dr. De Lang's experiments were risky and reckless, noting that though De Lang may have believed in the power of the Black Mage, the Magic Pentacle that the Black Mage had created was centuries old and had likely weakened considerably over time.
The Alliance member realized that the explosion caused by Dr. De Lang's experiment had likely destroyed the Black Mage's Magic Pentacle, thus destroying the foundation of Magatia itself. Alcaster then gave the Alliance member a Magic Stone of Humility, a Magic Stone of Honesty, and a Magic Stone of Trust, explaining that they were three Magic Rocks which had been extracted from the Black Mage's Magic Pentacle. He then tasked them with fixing the Pentacle, revealing that they would need to activate it in the order of top, left, and right, followed by pressure in the center. The Alliance member entered the Secret Passageway and placed the Magic Stones in order to activate the Magic Pentacle.
The Alliance member then returned to Alcaster, who thanked them for bringing peace back to Magatia. He told them that Magatia had been established over the Black Mage's laboratory, though he clarified that it hadn’t been founded literally above it, but rather, it had merely been based on his studies. He explained that Magatia wasn't working on evil spells like the Black Mage, but rather, they were referencing his work purely from an academic standpoint.
He told the Alliance member that since they had only recently come to Ossyria, they likely wouldn't know that there were still many forces who opposed the Black Mage. He added that if word got out about the history of Magatia, the reputation of the town would be ruined, which would be disastrous, given how heavily its research impacted Ossyria. In spite of this, however, he believed that after the incident with Dr. De Lang, he felt that the truth ought to come out in order to clear his name. He then gave Dr. De Lang's notes to the Alliance member and allowed them to decide what to do with it, as they were the only unaffiliated and unbiased party in the city.
(A/N: Here, the player has to choose between giving the research notes to the Zenumists, the Alcadno, or Phyllia. After the Milestone update, a special bonus quest was added in the case that you give the notes to Phyllia, which results in us reporting everything that happened in Magatia to the Alliance. Because of this, the option to give the notes to Phyllia is canonically what happens, although I’ll still include the other three paths just in case you were curious about what’s different.)
For Zenumist:
The Alliance member gave the notes to Carson, who asked them not to look at them with such an angry glare before admitting that Dr. De Lang hadn’t done anything wrong, and that he shouldn’t have been the one to take the blame for the war between the two societies. However, he told them that the alchemists of Magatia hadn’t done anything wrong either, as they were unaware about the true history of Magatia. He told the Alliance member that because of this, he couldn’t reveal the truth and ruin the reputation of so many brilliant minds, noting that Magatia would be torn apart over the truth about Dr. De Lang’s research. With that, Carson took the notes to destroy and swore the Alliance member to secrecy.
For Alcadno:
The Alliance member gave the notes to Maed, who told them that he deserved blame for what had happened with Dr. De Lang by not quelling the rumors about him. However, he told them that the ones who spread the rumors were not to blame either, as they had no idea about the origins of Magatia. He asked the Alliance member to limit their blame to him, as well as to understand where he was coming from, even as he tried to hide the truth. He then took the notes to destroy in order to keep the truth hidden forever, even as he acknowledged that he was doing the wrong thing, swearing the Alliance member to secrecy in the process.
For Phyllia:
The Alliance member returned to Phyllia with a sad face and gave her Dr. De Lang's notes. Though Phyllia was afraid to know the truth, she decided that she was ready to accept it, no matter whether it was that her husband was guilty or not.
(A/N: Following the part where you reveal the truth the Phyllia, you can complete a bonus quest in which you report your findings to the Maple Alliance. However, that quest assumes that you’ve completed the ending of the Magatia town quests, which reveals Dr. De Lang’s fate. For some reason, that quest isn’t counted as part of the Magatia storyline that you complete for the main story path, but I’m gonna include it down here before I jump into the final Alliance report quest. Even though I’m writing it with the canonical choice of giving the notes to Phyllia, this ending quest is accessible no matter how you chose to deal with the notes.)
After sharing the notes with Phyllia, the Alliance member met with Parwen, who told them that he had the answers to their questions about Dr. De Lang before sending them to meet De Lang’s afterimage. There, Dr. De Lang noted that the Alliance member was a trespasser, though he added that it didn’t matter, as he was currently in a great mood. He explained that though he had learned that it was impossible to transmute the human body with all their memories intact, he had stumbled upon a medicine for his daughter, Keeny, with which he could correct her genetic frailty.
Dr. De Lang told the Alliance member that though he couldn't change humans into machines, he could still give strength to the weak, which would be his great contribution to the world. He then asked the Alliance member to leave, as the lab was in disarray. After returning back to the present, the Alliance member met with Maed and told him about their encounter. Maed told the Alliance member that he didn't know whether the afterimage was real, but nevertheless, he added that there was no potion or medicine found in his house. However, he then paused and told them that perhaps Humanoid A knew something about it.
The confused Alliance member met with the mysterious Humanoid A in town and asked him whether he knew anything about Dr. De Lang. Humanoid A told them that though he had no idea who Dr. De Lang was, the name sounded very familiar to him. The Alliance member then asked whether he knew about Keeny's medicine, to which Humanoid A expressed his shock that Keeny was sick. Suddenly, he revealed that he had a strange medicine with him, and that he had been in possession of it ever since he had first awakened. He explained that something had made him believe that he ought not to discard it, after which he gave it to the Alliance member and asked them to check with Maed on whether it was safe to give to Keeny.
After studying the medicine, Maed concluded that it had been specifically designed for Keeny, and that it ought to completely cure her sickness. Maed then revealed that after Dr. De Lang's failed experiment, the first thing they had discovered in the laboratory had been Humanoid A, who had no memories of his past, except for his conviction that he needed to keep the medicine safe. He then shared his belief that Dr. De Lang had succeeded in eternal life, though at the cost of his memories. Having learned the truth about Dr. De Lang’s fate at last, the Alliance member gave the medicine to Keeny, who was happy that Humanoid A had cured her sickness, thus allowing her to concentrate on her studies and experiments.
(A/N: With the ending of the main questline, here’s the final Alliance quest.)
With the truth made public at last, the Alliance member decided to notify the Maple Alliance and traveled to Ereve, where they met with Neinheart. Neinheart noted that he had heard rumors about Magatia being built upon on the Black Mage's research, though he added that if the story was true, it explained why the alchemists were trying to hide the truth. He then wondered whether Dr. De Lang would be happy to know that he had achieved his dream after having lost his memory, though he added that his honor would at least be restored now that Phyllia knew the truth. He added that though Magatia had only borrowed the theory of the Black Mage's research, the Alliance would nevertheless resolve to keep a closer eye on the alchemists, after which he thanked the Alliance member for their help.
(A/N: The following are certain questlines for Grandis classes that are affiliated with the Black Mage’s laboratory.)
Soon after, Neinheart reached out to Kaiser and told him that the Alliance had discovered the Black Mage’s laboratory in Magatia. Neinheart explained that the Alliance had found several interesting documents, and though he had already sent copies to the Nova, he wanted to show one particular document to Kaiser directly.
After receiving the documents, Kaiser reviewed them and found new information on the Transcendents. He read that the Black Mage had cut off a part of himself that was imbued with light, and that he had embraced the darkness, putting him at odds with Rhinne and the World Tree. Kaiser was pleased to note that according to the documents, the Black Mage didn’t know the location or the identity of the World Tree. However, he realized that the Black Mage’s attempt to steal the Transcendent of Time’s powers was similar to how Darmoor had stolen the powers of Chronica.
(A/N: Most likely, these documents were written very soon after he awakened as the Transcendent of Light, probably while he was formulating his plan to destroy the Transcendents. At the time of writing these documents, he probably didn’t know who or where Alicia was. Later on, we learn that Neinheart ordered a more thorough investigation of the laboratory after the events of Black Heaven, which is when the Alliance found dozens of prophecies that foretold the events of major incidents like Black Heaven, Heroes of Maple, Esfera, and Tenebris. It’s highly likely that the laboratory was where the Black Mage mapped out the Path of Destiny.
His ability to see the future is somewhat distinct from most characters in the game. Characters like Cygnus or the Shamanesses of Azwan receive symbolic visions that they have to interpret, such as how Cygnus’ vision of Black Heaven was birds of light that fought against a giant of darkness. In contrast, from the way that the game describes the Black Mage’s abilities, it seems like he has little to no real precognitive skills. It’s more likely that he instead used complex mathematical formulas, his innate genius-level intelligence, and his enhanced powers as a Transcendent to manually chart out every single possible future based on every single relevant variable.
In Limina, Grendel mentions that the future is so incomprehensibly vast that mortals are physically incapable of perceiving it, aside from small fragments. However, it would make sense that a Transcendent - and particularly only someone with an IQ as high as the Black Mage - would have the ability to perceive an infinite number of futures and manipulate them. Because of this, the Black Mage’s prophecies are less his interpretations of future visions, and more just the events that he had already decided would happen.
On top of that, his prophecies themselves were also part of his plan, as he had purposefully left them behind so that the Alliance would discover them and know that their destiny was predetermined. He also left behind one particular sentence that would clue Cygnus and Neinheart in on realizing the importance of the Adversary at the time of Esfera, which would be the basis of their entire operation strategy in Tenebris: “Only the Adversary can counter immortality’s fate with the strength of a Seal Stone.”)
Kaiser returned to Pantheon and discussed the document with Fenelle. She noted that the main takeaway was how something strange seemed to happen when Transcendents used each other’s powers, as Darmoor’s use of Chronica’s powers had resulted in several Interdimensional Portals appearing all across Grandis. She also noted that Magnus had disappeared from Maple World after the Black Mage had taken Rhinne’s power.
Kaiser asked if it meant that the Interdimensional Portals appeared when other Transcendents used the power of the Transcendent of Time. Fenelle replied that it seemed to be the case and conjectured that Magnus had returned to Grandis when the Black Mage had used Rhinne’s power, which may have accounted for the time gap between him leaving Maple World and arriving on Grandis.
(A/N: Kaiser and Angelic Buster’s storylines laid the groundwork for the lore on Transcendents and suggested that Interdimensional Portals only appear when a Transcendent of Time’s power is stolen. However, all future mentions of the topic state that it’s the result of taking any Transcendent’s power, not necessarily the Transcendent of Time’s.)
Kaiser then pointed out that the Interdimensional Portal on Maple World had just been discovered recently. Fenelle reasoned that the power of time had likely been sealed away along with the Black Mage, but just then, she realized that the Interdimensional Portal reappearing meant that the seal on the Black Mage must have been broken, allowing for the power of time to form the Interdimensional Portal once again. Fenelle told Kaiser that the Alliance needed to be informed immediately and warned him that with Maple World facing the return of their biggest threat, and with the Nova preparing to launch their attack on Magnus, the situation had gotten much more serious.
(A/N: The Interdimensional Portal was introduced in the game during the Tempest patch, which also released Luminous, Kaiser, and Angelic Buster. These three class storylines were written with the intention that they interconnect, as Luminous’ final quest involves him meeting the Black Mage shortly after the seal breaks, which is meant to coincide with the Nova realizing the significance of the portal appearing.
Because of the constant retcons and continuity errors that get introduced in later updates, the chronology has gotten all jumbled up into a huge mess. In the case of the Interdimensional Portal’s appearance, the Explorer storyline and Xenon’s storyline are both set before the Black Mage’s seal is broken, but the portal already exists at that time. Now, rather than the portal’s appearance meaning that the seal has been broken, it’s essentially been retconned to mean that the seal has seriously weakened. Because of this, it now feels odd for the Nova to act like they’ve stumbled onto some sort of revelation when the Black Mage has already been freed for a long time now.)
Soon after, he received a letter from Francis, who invited him to join the Black Wings. Ark went to meet him at the Verne Mine and asked him how many others he had sent the invitation to. Francis explained that he had only asked him and another girl with pink pigtails, though he regretted that the Alliance had gotten to her first. Ark then hit Francis, explaining that something had instinctively made him do so, and refused Francis’ offer. As he left the Verne Mine, Ark noted to himself that Francis didn’t seem truly evil and hoped that he would one day change.
(A/N: Ark gets a medal for being the last class to canonically hit Francis in a class storyline. Francis attempting to recruit a girl with pink pigtails is a reference to Angelic Buster, who originally had a small quest in her old storyline, in which she punched Francis after he tried to have her join the Black Wings. Although that quest has been removed from the game, the events of that quest still canonically happen according to Ark’s story. And just like with Ark’s quest here, it was also only said in the dialogue of the original Angelic Buster quest that she hits Francis, rather than us actually fighting him.)
Francis meets with Ark
Just then, he met Angelic Buster, whom he recognized as the same girl that Francis had described. After exchanging greetings, she gave him a report from Kaiser that detailed Maple World’s Transcendents. Ark read through the report and learned that the Black Mage had stolen the Transcendent of Time’s powers, resulting in the creation of the Interdimensional Portal. Ark realized that the portal’s appearance meant that the Black Mage’s seal was weakening. (A/N: This is a continuity error. Grandis class storylines were initially set before the seal breaking, but the Explorer revamp ruined everything.)
He also read that Transcendents who stole another’s power were weakened. He realized that Darmoor must have known the risks, which made his decision to steal Chronica’s powers even more confusing. He then wondered if Darmoor was planning to invade Maple World during a time of peace with the stolen power of time.
(A/N: The following are a series of side quests that are unrelated to the Magatia storyline. Although they’re not strictly part of the main quests, I think that a lot of them complement the stuff that happens in the main storyline.)
Humanoid Just Wants to be Human:
Humanoid A stopped the Alliance member and told them that he wanted to give a Snow Rose to Phyllia. He asked them to collect Gelatin and Pieces of Mithril in order to combine with his Snow Rose seed that he had previously obtained from another adventurer. The Alliance member gave the materials to him, to which Humanoid A noted that he felt that, for some reason, Phyllia would like it.
Some time later, he told the Alliance member that he planted the Snow Rose and asked them to pick it, revealing that only a warm human hand could take it without shattering it. He then asked them to obtain May Mist in order to make the flower bloom, and to then give it to Phyllia. The Alliance member picked the Snow Rose and gave it to Phyllia, who was flattered, though she wondered why Humanoid A gave it to her, as she already had a husband.
(A/N: As a fun fact, the Snow Rose is the same kind of flower that Von Leon used to propose to Ifia.)
Life Alchemy:
Russellon asked the Alliance member if they had noticed the Scorpions outside town and explained that only a trained traveler could take them on. He told them that Scorpions had taken his right eye, adding that he had replaced it with a mechanical one that looked just like a normal eye. However, he explained that he hadn't yet learned how to fully integrate it into daily life, as he needed to take pills to augment his sight. He then asked the Alliance member to eliminate Scorpions and obtain their Stings, as the poison was useful in medicine. After the Alliance member brought back the Stings, Russellon thanked them and noted the irony in using the same poison that had taken his eye in order to save it.
He explained that he had originally been a Zenumist, though after he had lost his eye, leaving him unable to continue his studies, the Zenumists had kicked him out, as eyes were everything to an alchemist. In spite of this, however, he explained that the Alcadno had accepted him, as the Maed himself had lost an eye. He noted that Life Alchemy was dangerous, though the risks were worth it in order to benefit people. He added that though there was a time when the Zenumist studies were considered the best, they were now basking in their past glory, stuck in their comfort zone that led to stagnation.
Soon after, Bedin told the Alliance member that the Sand Rats were getting more violent, as well as the Scorpions and Dark Sand Dwarves. He explained that their numbers were growing as the Alcadno picked up their research. He added that things had taken a turn for the worse, especially since the incident with the alchemist from Alcadno. He explained that the nature of the Alcadno studies went against the fundamental rules of nature by creating imitations of life that stood as mockeries to living things.
However, he then realized that he was going off-track before noting that the Sand Rats were munching off the bottoms of half-completed airships, for which he asked the Alliance member to handle them. After the Alliance member returned, Bedin thanked them and explained that the problem was caused by the Alcadnos experimenting with the Sand Rats. He added that while Life Alchemy sounded good in theory, it wasn't something that humans ought to control, especially with a union of machines and living beings.
The Secret, Quiet Passageway:
Parwen told the Alliance member that he knew everything in Magatia, including a secret passageway that alchemists who had been conducting barred experiments had been using for years. He then told the Alliance member to obtain the entry pass from the Saitie spirits. The Alliance member collected pass, but found that it was useless. They returned to Parwen, who realized that the pass was outdated with the new security system. However, he promised to give them entry and asked them to collect Entry Passes from the Saities in order to calculate the Master Code. Parwen soon calculate the Master Code, after which the Alliance member went to both the Zenumist and Alcadno sides of the passageway, thus opening it up.
(A/N: Completing this quest gives access to a secret tunnel that connects both headquarters, allowing for easy back-and-forth.)
Keeny's Research:
Keeny greeted the Alliance member and told them that she was studying to become a great alchemist, despite the fact that some people claimed that fairies shouldn't be alchemists. She then asked the Alliance member to collect Wires from Roid monsters for her studies, as the Zenumists refused to help her in her Alcadno research. Soon after, she asked the Alliance member to get Plugs from Neo Huroids in order to learn how to deliver power from the source to the body in an efficient manner. After the Alliance member returned, she thanked them and asked them to promise not to tell the Zenumists that she was doing Alcadno research.
Some time later, Keeny thanked them for helping her master the mechanism of Roid and Neo Huroids before asking them to obtain a Broken Mechanical Heart from D. Roy. After the Alliance member returned, she thanked them profusely, claiming that it would help in her experiment. She explained that one day, she would be able to fulfill Humanoid A's wish, revealing that Humanoid A, unlike Roids, was capable of thinking, and that unlike most mechanical dolls, he wanted to become human. She then told the Alliance member that Humanoid A's gentle nature made him seem like a human already, and that she wanted to do everything in her power to help fulfill his wish.
A Present for Keeny:
The Alliance member met with Humanoid A, who explained that he was the only Humanoid in Magatia, and that he couldn't recall his past, though he was satisfied with his life. He told them that was friends with Keeny, with whom he always had lots of fun. He asked them to help give her a present and asked for Pieces of Steel and Hardened Pieces of Steel. Using the materials, he created a model Mute and asked them to give it to Keeny. Keeny was grateful and wondered how Humanoid A knew that she wanted one.