Chapter 44: Sellas, Where the Stars Rest

  • Some time after the fusion of the Black Moon and White Sun, Neinheart contacted the Adversary and told them that the Alliance was running an urgent, special operation before advancing on Tenebris. He explained that an object in Tana’s possession had been dropped into the Origin Sea while pulling her from the water. As it had belonged to the Transcendent of Light, Neinheart believed that it was worth recovering.

  • Together with Ollie and Shubert, the Adversary used a submarine called the Jellyfish to descend into Sellas, the watery region beneath Esfera. Throughout the mission, Shubert continued watching out for Ollie, haunted by his traumatic memories of his last diving operation in Edelstein, in which his crew had sent him to safety, leaving him as the only survivor.

  • As a result of his fears, the Erda in Sellas began responding to his memories, creating wreckage and audio messages from his time with the Edelstein diving unit.

  • After Ollie was lost during the mission, Shubert told the Adversary that he feared her becoming a “star”, which was what lost divers were known as. Together, the Adversary and Shubert worked together to save Ollie.

  • During this time, the Adversary also recovered Tana’s necklace which Jean had given her, with a shattered anti-magic jewel attached to it. After examining it, Neinheart noted that Tana must have considered it to be precious. He also noted that the fact that it was glowing brightly in response to its owner meant that they may one day be able to reach her.