Chapter 10: The Magician of Light

  • For many years, Luminous lived in peace alongside Lania in her home. One day, however, the darkness that Luminous had obtained from the Black Mage manifested and destroyed Lania’s home, severely injuring her.

  • (A/N: There are two paths for Luminous’ story - the light path and the dark path - which the player can choose between in order to determine the course of Luminous’ first job storyline. By picking the light path, Luminous spends several months rebuilding Lania’s home before going on a mission to conquer his darkness. By picking the dark path, Luminous leaves Lania to die and sets out to master his powers.

  • Regardless of which path is chosen, the general events are largely the same. Luminous struggles to overcome his inner darkness, which warps his personality into something evil. If the dark path is chosen, Luminous will use his magic to threaten and intimidate others, while the light path will have him struggle harder to avoid hurting people.)

  • In order to overcome his darkness, Luminous worked with Grendel the Really Old in order to enter Harmony, the headquarters of Aurora. There, he met with the spirit of his old friend, Vieren, who used his light magic to stabilize Luminous’ inner turmoil, giving him the power to use both light and darkness.

  • Vieren told Luminous that light and darkness were merely two sides of the same coin, and that Luminous should try making the darkness his own in order to conquer it, despite Luminous’ dogmatic protests that the darkness was forbidden.

  • In order to master the darkness, Vieren sent Luminous on a mission to obtain the Auguries, powerful artifacts scattered behind by the masters of Aurora. After finding all the Auguries, Vieren began a ritual that caused the light and darkness inside Luminous to meld into a single equilibrium.

  • Having conquered his darkness, Luminous returned back to Lania, believing that he was no longer a danger to her. Upon returning, however, he found several of Arkarium’s snake minions in the area. Realizing that Lania was not safe, Luminous set out to fortify defenses around her home.

  • In order to protect her, Luminous build a Sentrobo - a robotic guardian of Aurora - and made a deal with the agents of Omega Sector to send an operative near her home. He also constructed a Light Barrier and sent Vieren to remain at her side

  • Some time later, Luminous followed rumors of a crack in time opening in Ludibrium and entered Ellin Forest, where he met with Guwaru of the past. He learned that Guwaru had been lifted of his corruption by the Black Mage after reforming his body following Magnus’ attack. Guwaru also sensed the Black Mage’s energy within Luminous, even beyond the darkness inside him, and wondered whether Luminous and the Black Mage were related in some way, though Luminous refused to believe that he had any relation to such an evil being.

  • Soon after, Luminous was sent by Vieren to recover the Grand Augury. From the Grand Augury, he encountered the voice of the Second Light Master of Aurora, who revealed that Luminous was the Starchild. He explained that Luminous was the light cast out by the Black Mage, which had been reincarnated into a human child by the mages of Aurora with their light magic. This revelation stunned Luminous, who was distraught to learn that he was born from the Black Mage, believing that they were one and the same.

  • Luminous also learned that his best friend, Lucia, had been raised as a false Starchild so that the Black Mage would kill her instead of Luminous, though the mages of Aurora had used their powers to reincarnate her into a better, safer life in the future. While Luminous reeled from the knowledge, Lania began growing curious by the name ‘Lucia’, which seemed familiar to her.