Chapter 6: The World of Tynerum

Tynerum was one of the three worlds created by the Overseers, separated from Maple World and Grandis by a dimensional barrier. Tynerum was home to the demons, a race of proud and ambitious warriors with dark wings. Under the harsh and unforgiving rule of the demons, Tynerum quickly became a world where the strong ruled on top, while the weak were broken.

At the echelon of demon society were the pure-bloods, who used their overwhelming power to subjugate the weaker pure-bloods and half-bloods beneath them as slaves. Amidst the half-bloods, the stronger were those who had inherited demonic blood and wings, while the weaker were those who had been born without wings, leaving them to be detested by the other demons as powerless.

The pure-bloods’ unending thirst for power was such that they even attempted to steal the power of their world’s Transcendents. For thousands of years, the pure-bloods conducted brutal experiments in order to obtain the Transcendents’ power. One such experiment was the Sword of Destruction, a powerful blade which contained the Spirit of Vengeance - the combined souls of countless half-blood demons who had been sacrificed for millennia in an attempt to replicate the powers of a Transcendent.

The Sword of Destruction in Damien’s hands

Without a strong leader to rule them, the demons’ ambitions and greed resulted in a great and terrible war as they attempted to seize control of Tynerum. Centuries ago, a fortress known as Crimsonheart Castle was taken over by the Twisted Masters, who stole the legendary weapons of the castle’s greatest heroes in order to obtain their power. In the process, the heroes of Crimsonheart Castle were corrupted into monsters, while the legendary magician, Ridley, was turned to stone.

(A/N: There’s a lot of confusion about the difference between Tynerum and Masteria because of the changes between KMS and GMS. In KMS, Masteria is the name for what Tynerum is in GMS. However, Masteria is a totally different area in GMS, which actually refers to an island that sank centuries ago and recently resurfaced. GMS Masteria actually predates the existence of Tynerum and KMS took the name ‘Masteria’, which they used to refer to the demon homeland. Tynerum was the name that GMS gave to the demon homeland because the name ‘Masteria’ was already in use.

When Tynerum was first introduced in KMS, it was heavily inspired by GMS Masteria, even going as far as to use many of the terms and assets from the Masteria storyline. The Twisted Masters, for example, were servants to the Archdemon Naricain - the antagonist of the Masteria storyline. Crimsonheart Castle was also based on Crimsonwood Keep from GMS. The castle is actually called Crimsonwood Keep in KMS, but GMS changed its name to be Crimsonheart Castle in order to differentiate it from the Crimsonwood Keep in Masteria that existed first.

Since Crimsonheart Castle’s initial release, both Tynerum and GMS Masteria have gone through a significant change in story and aesthetics. The Masteria Through Time blockbuster in GMS significantly changed the original Masteria storyline and revamped a lot of character designs for both NPCs and monsters (and as an aside, the revamped version of Masteria is easily one of the worst stories I’ve ever seen in my entire life.)

Meanwhile, the Heroes of Maple blockbuster created a notable shift in the aesthetics of both the demons and Tynerum, creating the lore that we know about the pure-bloods and half-bloods, and even changing the demons’ appearance to have more purple skin than pale skin, as well as creating more lore about the experiments to take the power of the Transcendents.

With the Heroes of Maple revamp in the Dreamer update, Tynerum has received a lot more contextualizing information in order to have it fit better into the current lore, such as the confirmation that it’s the third world made by the Overseers, rather than Friends World. Because of this, it’s very likely that Crimsonheart Castle will receive a revamp to finally remove the GMS Masteria influence and have it exist as its own thing, even if they’re still likely going to continue plagiarizing the name ‘Masteria’.)

After the fall of Crimsonheart Castle, the last remnants of law and order began breaking down as the great war continued for hundreds of years, with the pure-bloods continuing to sacrifice weaker demons in order to gain the power of a Transcendent. Around this time, a portal was created that led to Maple World, with a similar portal opening in the south of Maple World that led to Tynerum. Though it was unknown how this portal opened, it was theorized that Tynerum bordering on the verge of extinction had resulted in its appearance. With the portal’s appearance, many demons began to migrate to Maple World, while some humans from Maple World crossed over to Tynerum.

(A/N: Tynerum existing ‘south of Maple World’ has been a thing since the original Heroes of Maple blockbuster, although this created some confusion with the possibility of Tynerum being its own dimension. GMS and several other overseas regions created the continent of Dawnveil, which contained Tynerum, the Commerci Republic, and Arboren (the home of Beast Tamer). Dawnveil was a continent connected to Ossyria, similar to how Europe and Asia are different continents, despite being the same landmass.

However, Dawnveil was always overseas-exclusive, meaning that it was never actually canon. Dawnveil was later removed from the game, and after the Heroes of Maple revamp, the lore about the portal to Tynerum existing in the south of Maple World was created in order to have the story make more sense in regard to how Tynerum can be its own dimension and still be accessible through Maple World.)

As the Transcendent experiments continued, one pure-blood demon spoke out against them, warning that they would only lead to devastation and ruin. Though he attempted to put a stop to the experiments, he was ultimately killed in the process, leaving behind his human wife and their two half-blood children - the Demon and Damien. Just as the Demon’s father had predicted, the countless failed experiments resulted in Tynerum being turned into a desolate wasteland, where not even a single blade of grass could grow.

After his father’s death, the Demon protected his mother and Damien from the demons who sought to inflict harm upon them. While the Demon had taken after his father - inheriting demonic blood and wings - Damien had taken heavily after his human mother, meaning that he had no demon power or wings, despite his father’s demon blood running through his veins. He was blind in his left eye and he had a sickly disposition, resulting in the pure-blood demons of Tynerum tormenting him frequently.

On one such occasion, the Demon witnessed the pure-bloods attacking Damien and threatening to attack his mother next, claiming that they would put her in her place for daring to live in Tynerum as a human. The Demon’s fury caused his powers to awaken, which he used to destroy the pure-bloods attacking his brother.

Damien tormented by the pure-bloods of Tynerum

The Demon awakens his powers for the first time

Realizing that Tynerum was no longer safe, the Demon took his mother and Damien to Maple World, where they settled in southern Leafre. Over the years, Damien grew to idolize his brother and wished to become as strong as him. Some time after moving to Leafre, the Demon learned that Damien wanted to see the snow, and so he took his family to El Nath, where he bought Damien a red scarf, which the young boy excitedly decided to wear for the rest of his life.

The Demon gives Damien his scarf