The Rise of PULSAR

Chapter 7: Jett’s Farewell

Jett received a letter from Mune, the only son of the late King of Cerberus. Mune explained that thanks to her renowned exploits on Maple World, which he described as a distant place in the universe, he had finally been able to find her. He told Jett that though she may not remember him, he certainly remembered her, as he had watched her many times in her trials to become part of the royal guard.

He explained that he hadn’t - and still didn’t - believe that she would ever hurt his father, adding that someone had even anonymously claimed that they were actually the one who had killed the late king, and that they would soon return to Cerberus and turn themselves in. He told Jett that she would be able to safely return home once that person turned themselves in, though that person had not yet come forward. Though he couldn’t yet prove her innocence, he nevertheless asked her her help.

(A/N: It’s implied that Burke admitted to his crime shortly before his death. I like to believe that there’s some wiggle room to interpret it as Burke still being alive if that claim had been made recently, but that’s probably just my wishful thinking.)

He explained that after he had succeeded his father, he had been too young and weak, which had caused him to lose the throne. Since then, Cerberus had fallen to chaos, seeing endless civil wars and rebellions in the wake of the power vacuum. In the midst of their anarchy, Cerberus had faced all kinds of crime and plunder from space pirates, for which Mune requested that Jett use the power of her Core in order to bring peace to the universe once again, claiming that she was the last hope for the suffering people of Cerberus.

Realizing that she was needed back home, Jett decided to leave Maple World and return to Cerberus. After putting her affairs in order, Jett went to Nautilus Harbor and began looking out at the sea, reminiscing how the view had been her first when she had come to Maple World and noting that it was fitting that it would be her last. Her crew then arrived and noted that she had accomplished all the work that she had set out to finish in Maple World, with everything that she had experienced there - all the knowledge and know-how that she had acquired - being recorded into the database.

Jett thanked them for helping her compile together the database and expressed her hope that it would be of some help to another adventurer in the future. As she set out for the spaceship, her crew asked her whether she really didn’t want to say goodbye to anyone, to which Jett reluctantly replied that she rather wouldn’t.

Just then, Cygnus, Neinheart, Kyrin, and several Alliance soldiers arrived as the crew prepared the spaceship. A surprised Jett asked them how they knew that she was leaving, to which Neinheart explained that he had received an urgent message from her crew, who had helped rush them over to her spaceship, causing Jett to express her surprise that her crew would go behind her back to arrange everything.

The Alliance arrives to say goodbye to Jett

Cygnus told Jett that though her heart was heavy, she was happy to hear that Jett could now return back to her home. Jett apologized for leaving when there was so much left undone, though Cygnus told her not to be sorry, as she had already helped Maple World more than she would ever know. Kyrin explained that when she had first picked her up after she had collapsed near the Nautilus, she had wondered what kind of person Jett would be, and whether or not she could trust her. However, she added that after knowing Jett, she could say with certainty that it had been an honor to fight alongside her. She wished Jett godspeed and safe passage on her voyage through space, just as she had across Maple World’s oceans.

Neinheart agreed, adding that all of her heroic deeds in Maple World would live on in everyone’s hearts. Cygnus asked Jett not to forget the journey that she had in Maple World, explaining that while it hadn’t been easy, she was certain that Jett must have made some beautiful memories. She added that she herself would never forget Jett’s journey either. Before a touched Jett could reply, Abbes reported that they were ready to take off. Cygnus told Jett that she ought to go, as there were many more people out there who needed her help.

Jett thanked everyone for placing their trust in her as a colleague, despite her having come from a faraway place, adding that she would never forget them. After bidding farewell to everyone, Jett and her crew took off and launched into space. Aboard the spaceship, Jett told her crew that it was time for them to go home. Kelm reminded her that she was still a wanted fugitive, and that it wouldn’t be an easy journey for the falsely accused. However, Abbes pointed out that compared to what Jett had been through on Maple World, avoiding capture ought to be easy by comparison, causing Jett to laugh.

She then took out the letter from Mune and read through it once again before thinking of Burke, hoping that his soul had returned home. She then asked him to wait for him, promising that she was also on her way back to defend their home. At her words, Abbes told her that they would set off with full power, to which Jett smiled and declared that it was time for them to return back to their home, Cerberus.

(A/N: RIP space pirate - gone but not forgotten. There’s not really a specific placement for when this storyline takes place, but I thought that it would be easier to just keep here at the end of the GMS-verse class storyline arc. I’m still holding out hope that Jett might show up in future stories as an NPC, but given how uncertain the future of overseas lore is as a whole, I probably shouldn’t hold my breath.)

Jett’s final farewell to Maple World