The Rise of PULSAR
Chapter 6: Stellar Detectives
(A/N: I’d really recommend playing this storyline as any class who’s not Hayato or Kanna. The reason for this is because throughout this storyline, you’re essentially following along in a diary that you found, which was written by Chase. At the end of the storyline, you realize that you also took part in the events of Stellar Detectives and lost your memories at the end, which you regain after finishing the diary.
Nexon did a terrible job with handling these circumstances for the main classes that participated in the storyline. Far from having any class exclusive dialogue, you’ll find that in one scene, in which you seek out Jett after having regained your memories, if you played as a Jett when she was still in the game, you’ll end up talking yourself, which I find comically bad. Because of this, I like to headcanon that the main character of GMS-verse who goes through Stellar Detectives, Masteria, MONAD, and the rest of the storylines isn’t one of the overseas classes.)
While adventuring through Maple World, the traveler found an old diary inside their bag and wondered when they had gotten it. Though their memory was hazy, the diary somehow seemed familiar to them. Inside, the traveler discovered that it was blank, aside from a few scribbles. However, they were intrigued to find that near the end of the diary, there was a single line that said, “PULSAR must be stopped!” Noting that it seemed important, the traveler decided to investigate what PULSAR was.
They realized that much of the diary had been erased, and so they decided to visit Grendel the Really Old in Ellinia, as he was an expert in divining the past and interpreting dreams. They presented the diary to Grendel, who sensed that a tale of great weight had been written upon it, as there was a distinct feeling of adventure and hardship, and he noted that the diary was of great importance. He explained that there was a spell that would allow the traveler to experience the events written in the diary firsthand. After Grendel cast the spell, the traveler began reliving the first entry.
In Arboren, several residents of Stump Town were playing with a frog named Tutu, who was soon left to rest for the night. An hour later, they heard Tutu croaking and rushed to find that several armored soldiers had taken him away. In a panic, the residents summoned Chase, the hero of Arboren, hoping that she would be able to rescue Tutu.
Tutu being kidnapped by mysterious soldiers
After Chase and the Critter Champs arrived, the townspeople explained what had happened and pointed her in the direction that the kidnappers had gone. Eka noted that Victoria Island was in that direction and wondered why the kidnappers would have taken Tutu there. Chase then promised that she would recover Tutu and took on the mantle of Detective Chase. With that, the traveler returned back to reality and noted that the diary’s first page had been restored, learning that it had been written by Chase.
The traveler then turned to the second page and continued reliving Chase’s journey. Chase arrived in Henesys, believing that someone from the large town must know about Tutu’s whereabouts. She decided to post flyers advertising Tutu’s disappearance in order to find an informant. With the diary ending there, the traveler wondered whether following in Chase’s footsteps would help reveal more.
They traveled to Henesys and posted fliers about Tutu’s disappearance, just as Chase had done, which restored the second page of the diary. The traveler then read that even after some time had passed, no one had responded to Chase’s fliers. Undeterred, Chase had decided to take a more active approach in her investigation.
The traveler then flipped to the third page and began reliving Chase’s adventures once again. Chase went to see Chief Stan and asked whether he had seen the kidnappers who had stolen Tutu. Stan scolded Chase, explaining that young people always looked for figures of authority in order to solve their problems, adding that he had his own issues to deal with. In order to alleviate his troubles, Chase agreed to help him in exchange for information on Tutu. Stan approved of Chase’s initiative and asked her to investigate several monsters outside of town which had grown unusually aggressive.
Chase speaks with Chief Stan
Following in Chase’s footsteps, the traveler decided to defeat monsters around them in order to reveal the next diary entry. (A/N: You need to defeat 50 monsters near your level for this part.) They then resumed witnessing Chase’s adventures and watched her report back to Chief Stan that the aggressive monsters had small crystal fragments sticking out of them.
(A/N: They don’t explicitly confirm this, but the crystal fragments are likely to be parts of the crystal devices that PULSAR placed on Tutu and the other stolen animals at the end of this storyline, which are responsible for controlling them.)
Having completed her end of the deal, Chase asked Stan whether he had seen any frogs around. Stan was irritated that she was asking about a common frog, adding that young people loved to exaggerate when Chase explained that Tutu was the size of a person. However, he recalled that Mrs. Ming Ming had mentioned something about a lost animal and suggested that Chase ask her.
Returning back to reality, the traveler read through Chase’s summary of the events that they had witnessed in the third page of the diary. They then flipped to the fourth page and immersed themselves once again. Back in Henesys, Chase asked Mrs. Ming Ming about Tutu’s whereabouts, and though Mrs. Ming Ming didn’t know anything about Tutu, she mentioned that she had heard rumors of the unusually aggressive monsters.
Nevertheless, she promised to ask around town in order to check whether anyone else knew about Tutu. Chase thanked her and promised to do anything in return, to which Mrs. Ming Ming asked Chase to pick up the trash that had blown away when she had tried throwing it away. In order to follow in Chase’s footsteps, the traveler also began picking up the litter that they found around them, after which they continued reliving Chase’s adventures. (A/N: For this part, you need to collect 10 pieces of litter from monsters near your level.)
Mrs. Ming Ming told Chase that no one in town had seen a frog, but Maya had met someone who had lost a turtle. She also told Chase that she had heard rumors of someone in Perion selling rare animals. The traveler then returned back to reality and noted that the fourth page had been restored, which revealed that Chase planned to speak with Maya about the new leads she had discovered.
The traveler then turned to the fifth page and witnessed the memory of Chase entering Maya’s house and asking her about the missing turtle. Maya told Chase that the person who had lost the turtle hadn’t given any details, merely asking whether she had seen the turtle around. She also revealed that the person was still in the area and suggested that Chase talk to them.
Chase gets a lead from Maya
The traveler was then sent into a different memory of Hayato and Kanna in Momijigaoka. Kanna told Hayato that she had rushed over as soon as she had heard that Nene was missing and asked Hayato what he was doing back at the base. Hayato told Kanna that he thought that it was about time that he stopped by, to which Kanna called his bluff, claiming that he never came back without a reason. Hayato dodged the question and instead suggested that they continue searching for Nene.
They returned back to base, where Yamanaka Yukimori confessed in a panic that Nene had disappeared after he had looked away just briefly. Though he apologized profusely, Kanna told him that there was no need, as it had been Hayato’s job to look after Nene. However, Hayato retorted that he had never agreed to look after the turtle, though Kanna reminded him of how Princess Sakuno had entrusted Nene to him, as well as her witnessing him gradually coming to love the turtle over time.
Soon after, Yukimori reported back that after searching the area where Nene had disappeared, they had found traces of an intruder. Though Kanna believed that Nene had been their target, Hayato asked what use someone could have for a simple turtle. He then asked Yukimori what else the intruder had stolen, believing them to have some grander scheme. However, Yukimori reported that only Nene had been stolen, to which Kanna reminded Hayato that Nene’s disappearance was their responsibility.
However, Hayato dismissed Kanna’s concerns and told her to simply go buy another turtle from a pet store. Kanna glared at Hayato and reminded him that Nene wasn’t an ordinary turtle, but rather, he was a mystical creature with special powers. She added that just as Nene could do good in the right hands, terrible things could be done should he fall into the wrong ones. She also admitted that she had also failed in her responsibility, as Sakuno had asked her to watch Hayato.
Hayato is tasked with protecting Nene
Hayato protested the arrangement, which he hadn’t been informed about, but Kanna told him to contradict her claim that he would have brashly used Nene to defeat the Demon King. When Hayato remained silent, Kanna told him that the best thing that they could do for Nene was to leave him alone and allow him to choose whether he wanted to share his gifts with them. The two then set off to begin their investigation.
The scene then changed back to Henesys and the traveler witnessed Chase seeking out Hayato at Maya’s suggestion. Chase asked whether he could tell her about their missing turtle, though Hayato dismissed her as a naïve child. Nevertheless, Chase insisted that she was a proper detective on a case, to which Hayato asked whether she was up for the task when the kidnappers were likely hardened criminals.
Believing that Hayato wasn’t planning to work together, Chase decided to set off on her own, but Hayato stopped her and clarified that he meant to ask whether Chase would give up at the first sign of hardship. Though offended by her retort that he was being mean, Hayato agreed to reveal what he knew and explained that Nene had been abruptly kidnapped from Momijigaoka by an unknown person. Hayato then introduced himself, though he suggested that Chase stay out of the investigation, as it was likely to be fraught with danger.
Suddenly, Kanna appeared out of nowhere and told Hayato to let Chase decide what was too dangerous for herself. She then introduced herself to the startled pair and told them that her theory was that the kidnappers had stolen Nene for his mana, even though only she and Hayato were the only two who knew about Nene’s mystical properties. Chase then explained that Tutu was also a mystical creature, as he had the power to make it rain. Realizing that the kidnappers were likely stealing mystical creatures, Chase asked the pair to join her, giving them the codenames “Agent Swiftblade” and “Agent White Fan”.
Hayato and Kanna join the investigation
With the diary’s fifth page restored, the traveler read on and was transported back to the scene. Chase decided to call their group “Chase’s Agents”, though Hayato refused to associate himself with the name, and so Chase decided to continue thinking on it. Hayato then asked Kanna whether she could sense Nene’s aura, to which she told him that she could sense a weak aura near Perion, though she couldn’t say for sure whether it belonged to Nene.
Chase then remembered that Mrs. Ming Ming had told her about someone selling rare animals in Perion, to which Hayato vowed to slice anyone who dared to sell Nene in two, though he was embarrassed when Chase noted how much he cared about the turtle. Before they could head off, Kanna told them that she wanted to be sure that the aura which she was sensing really belonged to Nene. She explained that Nene had a tremendous font of mana, and that he left trace amounts of mana particles behind everywhere he went. Because of this, she believed that if any monsters had absorbed the mana that Nene had left behind, she would be able to verify whether it belonged to him.
The traveler then realized that in order to continue restoring the entry, they would also need to collect mana particles from monsters, though they hoped that there would still be some left. (A/N: Here, you have to collect 20 Mana Particles from monsters near your level.) After collecting the particles, the traveler was immersed into the memory and saw that Kanna had successfully determined that the aura belonged to Nene, noting that it grew stronger as they went closer to Perion. With the diary’s sixth page restored, the traveler read that Chase and the others had planned to interrogate the animal merchant in Perion, and so they decided to follow the detectives’ footsteps there.
Upon flipping to the next page, the traveler entered the memory and found that Chase, Hayato, and Kanna had noticed a stranger wearing unique clothing. Believing them to be the animal merchant, the group approached the stranger, who was actually Jett, and asked who she was. They noted that she was unusually nervous, to which she explained that she was a bounty hunter, and that they had picked up on the false rumor about the animal merchant she had been spreading in order to draw out a particular group of criminals from deep space.
Kanna was surprised to realize that Jett had come from much further away than she had initially suspected. Jett explained that bounty hunters like herself collected bounties on vicious criminals from protected space, as the Galactic Authority didn’t have enough manpower to police the entire territory. She added that in spite of having a bounty on her own head after being framed, she still hadn’t forgotten her job, and so she had continued hunting down criminals while remaining hidden in Maple World.
The detectives encounter Jett in Perion
Chase was shocked to know that Jett herself was a criminal and asked how she could believe anything that Jett said. However, Jett reminded Chase that she had been framed, after which Hayato asked who the criminals that she was hunting down were. Jett noted that the detectives were overly curious and explained that the organization she was tracking called themselves PULSAR. When Chase expressed confusion, Jett elaborated that PULSAR was a group of space pirates that dealt in smuggling, kidnapping, and illegal trade, adding that not only did they kidnap people, but special animals as well.
She added that PULSAR had recently escalated their initiative to capture animals with extraordinary abilities, with rumors that they had been performing inhumane medical experiments on the kidnapped animals. She explained that she had begun spreading rumors of a merchant selling rare animals, as she had tracked PULSAR to Perion and believed that she could draw them out with the story, though she noted that the detectives had appeared instead.
Having finished the latest entry, the traveler’s missing memories slowly began stirring as they recalled what PULSAR was. With the seventh page restored, the traveler read on, hoping to recover more of their lost memories. Back in Perion, Chase told Jett that they had been following the false rumor because they were in search of their missing special animals. Kanna asked Jett whether it was possible that PULSAR had stolen Tutu and Nene, to which Jett noted that it was definitely a possibility.
Chase then suggested that they all look for PULSAR together, but Jett immediately rebuffed them, claiming that she was a professional bounty hunter who had no need of amateurs slowing her down, and nor did she intend to split the bounty. Hayato huffed that it was for the best, as he had no intention of working with someone whose only ambition was money, to which Jett hotly told him that she had been chasing PULSAR long before the organization had started their activities in Maple World.
Chase then pointed out that Jett hadn’t made any progress by working alone, which Kanna followed up on by asking what she had to lose by accepting help. Hayato grudgingly agreed, adding that there was no shame in taking aid when it was offered. Jett began wavering and told them that she was uncomfortable with the arrangement, as she believed that stopping PULSAR was her fight, and so she didn’t want anyone else getting hurt because of her. However, the others dismissed her concerns, claiming that they were strong enough to handle themselves. The group then left in search of valuable loot in order to hire Jett’s services.
Following in Chase’s footsteps, the traveler obtained valuable loot from the nearby monsters, allowing them to resume the memory. (A/N: You have to collect 20 Valuable Loot from monsters near your level.) The detectives paid Jett, who finally gave them her name. Chase then gave Jett the codename “Agent Ironsight” and introduced the entire team, including the traveler. (A/N: I find it hilarious that we’ve been in these cutscenes all this time, except our sprite isn’t there and we don’t say a single word.)
Jett then reluctantly agreed to join the detectives, though she told them that her terms were that she would get the entire bounty, and that they would part ways as soon as they rescued the missing animals. She then explained that she had come to Perion after a reliable source from within PULSAR itself had tipped her off about the organization’s operations in Maple World. (A/N: It’s probably not Captain Vaga since he’s not part of PULSAR anymore, but it would be a cool tie-in.)
She then asked the others to collect payment in order to buy more information from the informant, as she was reluctant to leave her post in case PULSAR showed up. When Chase asked if they were to simply attack monsters and collect their loot, Jett noted that it was a good idea, as her informant seemed interested in strange trinkets. The three then set off to collect more loot while Jett remained at her post.
The traveler then decided to follow in Chase’s footprints and collected loot from nearby monsters. (A/N: Here, you have to collect 30 Awesome Monster Loot from monsters near your level.) Back in the memory, Chase gave the loot to Jett, who contacted her informant in order to buy information. The diary’s eighth page was then restored, with the traveler reading that the informant had reported that PULSAR’s next target was in Ellinia.
Back inside the memory, the detectives spotted a strange individual and asked him whether he had lost an animal. The stranger was surprised that they knew about his predicament and asked how they had figured it out, to which Kanna told him that it was evident based on his pained expression. Chase then introduced themselves as the “Chase Detective Agency”, noting each agent’s codenames, with her own being “Detective Chase”. She also pointed out the traveler, whom she called her special assistant, and added that she was able to understand animals. (A/N: We actually do get a line here, except it’s just us saying “um…” Our sprite still doesn’t show up in the scene.)
The stranger then introduced himself as Zen and explained that he was looking for his friend, Lingling.
Zen introduces himself to the detectives
(A/N: For those who aren’t aware, Zen was a Special Explorer released in CMS, just like how Jett was released in GMS. At the time of release, both classes were completely identical, as their skills were all functionally the same. The only main different was in their aesthetics, some skills’ sprite frames, Jett’s link skill, and the story.
Whereas Jett had a space theme, Zen had a martial arts theme. They were both Special Explorer pirates and used Guns as their primary weapons and Fists as their secondary weapons, although Zen’s was called a Martial Fist. However, Jett went through some revamps and now has completely different skills. From a story perspective, Zen was the son of Zhi Zun, a commander with expertise in martial arts who protected the Emperor. Zen was trained by Zhi Zun’s assistant, Suha, who’s also his job instructor in the game.
After improving his skills, Zen returned back to his homeland and found that the palace was in chaos, with his father fighting the Emperor, who was being controlled by an unknown dark force. The Emperor, realizing that he couldn’t beat Zhi Zun, saw Zen and tried to kill him, though his father shielded Zen from the attack. Suha then took Zen on a boat to safety, with his father succumbing to his injuries.
Suha then gave Zen a box that Zhi Zun had given to her to pass on to Zen, which contained a treasure that gave Zen the power needed to get his revenge. At that point, they hit a storm and their boat almost sank, although they were rescued by Kyrin just in time. After that, Zen went on a mission to avenge his father. I did look into his story a bit and realized that there was almost nothing else after his intro, and what little there was made no sense to me, and so I won’t even try to explain the rest.
Zen was available in CMS, TMS, and MSEA, but the class itself was completely removed from the game after several years, instead being replaced by a completely new class called Mo Xuan, who exists in his own separate group as a pirate, similar to Zero, Kinesis, and Beast Tamer being in their own category, rather than being a Special Explorer.
Interestingly, CMS and TMS allowed Zen characters to be converted to Mo Xuan, while MSEA urged players to Job Transfer into another Explorer pirate, with all Zen characters who didn’t change jobs being deleted in April 2021. Because of this, Stellar Detectives is the only content in which Zen still exists within both the canon and the game. I have no idea whether they’re ever gonna replace him in Stellar Detectives with Mo Xuan, but part of me wishes that they would keep Zen in as a reminder that he once existed.)
Zen explained that Lingling was a tiger and his best friend, and that he would destroy whoever had stolen her. When Chase asked whether Lingling had any special powers, Zen told her that Lingling was merely an ordinary tiger, though she was the first friend he had made after arriving in Maple World and finding her wounded in the forest, after which he had nursing her back to health. However, he had recently returned and found armored soldiers placing her inside a vat of green fluid before disappearing into the sky.
PULSAR soldiers kidnap Lingling
He explained that he had recently found someone dressed like the kidnappers wearing a mask and a robe. Chase then asked him to join their group in order to find PULSAR and save their animals, which Zen agreed to. He then told the group that while following the robed person, he had found fur that belonged to Lingling, with the trail growing as he entered the forest. The group then decided to head deeper into the forest in order to follow the trail.
With the ninth page of the diary restored, the traveler followed in Chase’s footsteps and collected tiger fur along the detectives’ trail in order to reveal the tenth page, which allowed them to resume viewing the memory. (A/N: You have to collect 5 Strange Animal Fur for this part.) While following the fur trail, Zen asked the group whether he would also get a codename and suggested “Agent Dragonfury”. Chase agreed readily and told the group that despite not having met under the best circumstances, she was glad that they did.
She then decided that they needed to finalize their team name and suggested the Maple Detectives. Hayato suggested the Blades of Truth, though he quickly told them to forget that he said anything after realizing that it was lame. Kanna noted that they could do better, as they needed something more relevant to their fight against PULSAR.
Chase suddenly had an idea and asked Jett whether PULSAR stood for anything, to which Jett told her that it stood for the pirate code of conduct: Pillage, Unnerve, Loot, Shoot, Argue, and Repeat, adding that PULSAR was nothing more than a group of common pirates from space. Chase then suggested naming themselves the Stellar Detectives, and though it received mixed reception, the group ultimately agreed.
With the tenth page restored, the traveler flipped to the next page and returned to the memory. As the Stellar Detectives approached the entrance to PULSAR’s hideout in the forest, Kanna sensed a powerful energy ahead, filled with emotions such as anger, sadness, and hatred. The group then entered the clearing and found an enormous ship - the ISS Pillager - which Jett recognized as belonging to PULSAR, cloaked to blend in with the forest. She then realized that PULSAR was planning to take the stolen animals back into space.
The Stellar Detectives discover a PULSAR ship: the ISS Pillager
The eleventh page of the diary was then restored, in which Chase noted that the Stellar Detectives were planning to board the ship and rescue the animal. Flipping ahead, the traveler resumed watching the memory of the Stellar Detectives entering the ship, where they discovered a large Hyperspace Cube. Jett reminded the others that PULSAR was an interstellar crime organization, and as such, there could be any number of unusual traps waiting throughout the ship. As they proceeded deeper, they encountered a number of PULSAR soldiers, as well as powerful laser beams.
(A/N: Even though you don’t typically show up in the memory, this sequence has you fighting alongside the other Stellar Detectives as yourself since you were technically there at the time of the original events.)
The traveler and the others fought past the soldiers and avoided a number of traps, including dangerous plasma coils, toxic chemicals, and several clones of Tutu. The group then entered the laboratory and discovered an unconscious Tutu inside a test tube filled with green liquid. Chase immediately rushed to Tutu’s side and attempted to revive him.
To everyone’s shock, however, Tutu transformed in a large mutant monster, breaking free of the small test tube. Jett immediately noticed a strange jewel on Tutu’s forehead, which had glowed shortly before his transformation, with Kanna observing that the jewel was draining Tutu’s mana and affecting his mind. Hayato and Zen noted that all they had to do was shatter the jewel, though the traveler told Chase that they may need to hurt him, and so they left the final call to her. (A/N: Oh wow, look at that, we get actual dialogue in the memory.)
Tutu is transformed into a monster by a strange jewel
Chase agreed with the others, believing that it was a necessary risk to save Tutu. After a fierce battle, the group managed to shatter the jewel on the mutant Tutu, returning him back to normal. Chase then interpreted Tutu’s croaks as him saying that he was grateful to them coming to save him, though Hayato noted that it was too early for thanks, as they still needed to defeat PULSAR.
The diary’s twelfth page was then restored, after which the traveler flipped the page and resumed watching the memory. The group proceeded ahead and found large mutant clones of Nene inside giant test tubes filled with the same green liquid. Realizing that PULSAR was experimenting on Nene in the same way that they had been on Tutu, Kanna told the others to hurry so that they could save Nene. The group made their way through the Hyperspace Cube, dodging electric drones, gravity chambers, and incinerators while fighting past PULSAR soldiers and small Nene clones.
They then arrived at the room where Nene was being held. Much like with Tutu, a strange jewel glowed on Nene’s forehead, transforming him into a large mutant. After the traveler and the others shattered the jewel, Nene returned back to his old self. Just then, Eka emerged from the spirit realm in order to see what was happening, confused when Nene asked her to save Lingling, as she had no idea what was going on. Realizing that Lingling was nearby, the group immediately set off to rescue her.
The Stellar Detectives attempt to save Nene
With the diary’s thirteenth page restored, the traveler flipped the page and entered the memory. Back at the Hyperspace Cube, the traveler and the others dodged past a weapons test while fighting fully-grown tiger clones of Lingling, after which they encountered another mutant creature. Hayato immediately rushed to cut it down, but Chase stopped him, as she could understand what it was saying.
She was surprised to know that the creature knew Zen, causing them to realize that it was really Lingling, though she didn’t have the same jewel that the others did. (A/N: This is likely because Lingling isn’t a special animal.) Zen approached the docile Lingling as Kanna noted that the tiger’s mana had been nearly depleted. Chase translated Lingling’s words to Zen, explaining that she was trying to tell him that she hoped that he still recognized her without her stripes, and that PULSAR had tried to erase her memories of him.
Zen broke down crying, promising that he would help her. Suddenly, however, Hayato sensed that something was wrong as Lingling grew savage and began attacking them. After they defeated Lingling, Chase told Zen that Lingling was saying that she had never given up hope that he would come for her, and that she had waited for as long as she could. She also told Zen that Lingling was saying that she would never forget their time together, to which Zen cried that they still had plenty of adventures left. As Lingling began to close her eyes, the others gently told him that the time for him to say his goodbyes was coming upon him.
(A/N: Here, you get presented with two choices that you can pick between in order to choose Zen’s actions. You can either choose to let Lingling sleep or try to help her. If you choose the latter, Zen cries and apologizes to Lingling, while the second choice has him cry and say that he’s not going anywhere and begs her not to go, to which Lingling softly growls.)
Lingling then quietly passed and faded away as Zen sobbed uncontrollably. Kanna gently told him not to cry, adding that she could sense that Lingling’s spirit was at peace. Jett agreed, telling Zen that he couldn’t blame himself, as he had done everything that he could. Chase then sadly told Zen that Lingling’s final words had been to say thanks for remembering and for setting her free. Zen then angrily vowed to get his revenge on PULSAR for what they had done.
Zen says goodbye to Lingling
The diary’s fourteenth page was then restored, after which the traveler flipped to the next page and resumed the memory. The Stellar Detectives continued on and noted that there were still many animals left to save, wondering how PULSAR could be so cruel. Jett suggested that they take Tutu and Nene to safety first before coming back for the others. The diary’s fifteenth page was then restored, with Chase noting that they had freed all the animals that PULSAR had kidnapped from around the galaxy. The traveler then flipped to the next page and resumed the memory.
The Stellar Detectives successfully captured all PULSAR agents inside the ship, with Jett even calling in Kelm and Abbes, two of her bounty hunter crew, in order to help. Chase arrived from dropping off Tutu and found the others, who explained that Jett was interrogating the remnants of PULSAR about their leader before handing them over to the Galactic Authority.
Jett told the pirates that the Galactic Authority would be lenient if they cooperated, but the pirates refused to betray their leader. Annoyed, Jett decided to take a more uncomfortable approach and began torturing one of the pirates until he cracked. (A/N: She basically just tickles him, which technically counts as torture, I guess.) The pirate revealed that he had never met the PULSAR leaders before, and that he had merely been following orders. He explained that they had been flying around the galaxy in search of animals with mana, after which they had been using the laboratory technology in order to drain the mana and grow clones, as the PULSAR boss wanted to build an army.
Jett demanded to know who the boss was and why he wanted to raise an army, but the pirate swore that he knew nothing else. Jett realized that they had no other choice but to take down PULSAR’s leadership, though she told the pirates that they were all going to prison, telling the pirate who had confessed that he would get the punishment that he deserved when he asked whether he would get a reduced sentence for cooperating.
She then handed the PULSAR soldiers off to her crew, who noted that the total number of pirates was unusually small. Jett told them that some of the pirates had fled when they had begun the assault on the ship, though she promised to track them down. She then accepted a portion of the bounty, giving the rest to her crew.
The Stellar Detectives capture the pirates of PULSAR
Before Jett could leave, Hayato stopped her and asked whether she was planning to depart without saying goodbye. However, Jett told him that she wasn’t done with her work yet, and that she wasn’t good at saying goodbye anyways. Chase agreed, adding that the Stellar Detectives couldn’t disband until their work was done.
Unexpectedly, Jett told them that she wanted to split the bounty, despite what she had said before. She then asked what they were going to do next, explaining that she herself was going to keep fighting PULSAR until they were gone, noting that even now, their ship was still making clones. Zen told her that he would join in her mission, as he wanted to avenge Lingling.
Hayato told them that he needed to first inform Princess Sakuno of what had transpired, to which Kanna declared that she was planning to join the others and stop PULSAR. Hayato asked whether she would really have him return back alone, but Kanna replied that she was being considerate, as she knew that the first thing that he would want to do upon returning to base was to play with Nene, causing Hayato to stammer that he wasn’t a child. Chase then told Jett that despite having solved the case of the missing animals, she wouldn’t rest until she caught all the villains behind the plot.
With that, Jett told the others that they ought to be off, but Chase stopped her and explained that they ought to spend a moment and reflect on their triumph as the heroes of the day by singing the Stellar Detectives theme song that she had come up with during their adventures. After Chase finished singing alone, the group once again prepared to head out when the Space Pirate Commander himself appeared, much to everyone’s surprise. (A/N: This is the same commander who appeared in the Captain Vaga storyline.)
He then told them that in spite of them having caught his men and foiling his plans, PULSAR had fought greater foes than them and escaped unscathed. Zen merely scoffed that his words only meant that he had done a lot of running away before unexpectedly rushing forward and punching him in the face, causing his hood to fall off. (A/N: That was so savage, and the punch in the face makes it twice as good.)
Though Zen vowed to get vengeance, with Chase confidently adding that PULSAR was finished, the Space Pirate Commander merely told them that “his” army would continue to grow before using a device that began wiping their memories and sending them back to their homes one by one. Feeling her memory dwindling by the second, Chase shoved her diary inside the traveler’s bag and told them to keep it safe before everyone was sent back to where they came from.
(A/N: Although we’ll probably never get an answer about PULSAR’s goals, we can speculate that the person who the commander is referring to is either the leader of PULSAR or the organization which ordered the clone army, as we learned about in Captain Vaga’s storyline.)
The Space Pirate Commander erases the Stellar Detectives’ memories
With the entire diary restored, the traveler regained their memories and understood why they had been wiped in the first place. Realizing that PULSAR had to be stopped, they decided to rush back to the spaceship in order to stop the pirates from building their clone army. (A/N: Are we gonna get our own version of the Clone Wars too?) Soon after, they were contacted by Jett, who explained that she and the others had recovered her memories and asked if they had as well.
(A/N: This is the part that I talked about at the beginning of this section. Even if you’re playing as a Jett, you’ll end up having a conversation with yourself.)
Jett told the traveler that PULSAR’s leaders had escaped after wiping their memories, though the good news was that the Stellar Detectives had taken over their ship. She then asked whether they would help investigate the ship and the animal clones, which the traveler agreed to. Upon arriving at the ship, they accessed the Hyperspace Cube Control System and learned that they were on a research ship, which PULSAR had stolen for their own purposes. They then began their investigation of the laboratory soon after. (A/N: This is the beginning of the Hyperspace Cube missions that you can do for rings and stuff.)